
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08


  英 [ˈeəpɔ:t] 美 [ˈerpɔ:rt]


  名词 机场; 航空站



  A:Excuse me! I’m looking for the airport bus?


  B:I think it’s on the side of the road.


  A:Oh, thanks. But the next bus leaves at 9:00.Can you tell me the best way to get to the airport?


  B:If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, you’d better take a taxi to the airport.



  A:I will see you off at the airport tomorrow, ok?




  A:What time does your flight leave?


  B:It takes off at 3:45.

  3 点45 分起飞。

  A:So, what time do you need get to the airport?


  B:They recommend passengers to arrive 2 hours before the flight.


  A:It takes about an hour to get there, so why don’t we leave at noon? We’ll have time for lunch then.


  B:That sounds good.


  A:Have you packed everything?


  B:Not yet. I’ll leave that for the morning.


  A:Are you crazy? Let me help you pack now. You don’t want to leave that for the last-minute.


  B:Ok, if you insist.



  1. It was a hot July night and the usually busy runway at Hangzhou's Xiaoshan International Airport had been silent for almost an hour.

  2. " We didn't buy the terminal for making money from handling airport business, " Cai noted.

  3. CANBERRA - The Australian government on Tuesday condemned as a terrible act of extremism a bombing at a Moscow Airport in Russia.

  4. If you travel by air, there are also buses available from Lanzhou's Zhongchuan Airport to the Jingtai County.

  5. They were accompanied by nurses and doctors on the way to the Jinan Airport.

  6. President Hu traveled some 80 kilometers by car from the Turkmenabat Airport to the border town.

  7. The airport staff took pictures of and fingerprints from the journalist by force.

  8. By Sunday morning, the airport had 16 inches of snow on the ground.

  9. The relief supplies will be carried by a special plane directly from the airport to Kaohsiung.

  10. His special operations forces that year were also accused by human rights activists of abusing detainees at Camp Nama at Baghdad International Airport.


  1. Airport Road, Xiamen and Hong Kong films, the district, the Chinese, such as Area and the Old City district岭北demolition resettlement will release a large number of buyers demand; 300 major industrial projects in this year will be started, a large number of new executives will become the market demand One of the main targets; people to improve their living environment, improve living quality of the urgent demand will drive buyers demand continues to rise.

  机场路,厦门和香港电影,区,中文,如区和旧城拆迁安置区岭北将释放大量的购买者的需求; 300个重大工业项目在今年将开始,大批新的管理人员将成为市场需求的主要目标之一;人民改善他们的生活环境,提高生活质量的迫切需求,将推动买家的需求持续上升。

  2. Office at the Hong Kong International Airport to provide services for civil aviation.


  3. This reporter has learned that the airport is currently the main passenger port to Wuhan, Changsha, Nanchang, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang, Xi'an and other cities inbound tourists mainly came from Changsha, Chengdu, Wuhan and Shanghai.


  4. It also will accommodate more passengers per plane, easing queues for take-offs, and access to airport gates.


  5. Here is China's largest airport.


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  • 请问:英语单词“airfield”和“airport”有什么区别?谢谢
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