
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-15
帮我翻译成英语,谢谢 !

It is always very quiet,which kind of quiet do you like.

1.Sitting in the beach,watching the sea and enjoying the sea breeze.

2.Waking in the rain without a umbrella.

3.Writing down my own feeling on the blog and and SNS websites.

To be in a daze in different ways.

To take a walk and listen to the music with a pair of earphone alone.

Readinng book and singing a song.

Do not know what shall I do,and do not want to do anything.

8.My lover and me are back to back,have nothing to say.

9.Put my head in my hand,and think about something.

Translate chinese into english.

I had a very busy summer vacation. Yes, I was very busy. But I was quite happy. The vacation being long, I didn't have much free time. I got up at 6 every moring and started for running and morning exercise. After the breakfast, I had to go to summer school for Maths and English. Though they were hard to learn, I tried my best and believed that I could learn them well. In the afternoon, I usually did my homework. But I played computer games sometimes. Evening was the best time because I could go shopping with my parents and watch TV. However, I must go to bed before 10. This was my summer vacation. I was happy.

My summer holiday

I had a very busy holiday, yes, I was very busy, but I felt that I was so happy. It was a long holiday, but I didn’t have much spare time.
I got up at six o’clock every morning, then ran and did morning excises. After my breakfast, I had to go to attend classes, I studied math and English. They were very difficult, but I studied hard, I believed that I can learn them well. In the afternoon, I was doing my homework usually, but sometimes, I also played computer. Evening was the happiest time, I could go shopping with my parents, but also could watch TV, but I must go to bed before ten o’clock.
This was my summer holiday, I was very happy.


My summer holiday

I have a very busy summer holiday.
Yes,I'm very busy,but I'm very happy.Although the holiday is long,I don't have a lot of free time.I should get up at 6:00 every morning.Then,I would run and do morning exercises.After eating breakfast,I must have classes.It's very difficult to learn maths as well as English,but I tried very hard to learn, I believe I can learn. Afternoon, I generally do my homework,but I sometimes will play with the computer.What joys me most is evening.At that time ,I can go shopping with their parents and I also can watch TV.But I must go to bed before 10 o'clock.
This is my summer holiday, I am very happy .

Topic: My summer vacation (note the past tense)

Content: I have a very busy summer, yes, I am very busy, but I am very happy. A very long holiday, but I do not have a lot of idle time. Every morning, I would like 6:00 and then, running, doing morning exercises. After eating breakfast, I have to go to school, I studied mathematics and English, they are very difficult, but I tried very hard to learn, I believe I can learn. Afternoon, I generally have homework, but sometimes, I will play with the computer. At night time is the most happy, I can go shopping with their parents, I could watch television. But I must go to bed before 10 o'clock. This is my summer vacation, I am very happy.

I have a busy summer, yes, I'm very busy, but I was very happy. Holiday is very long, but I'm not a lot of free time. Every morning, I want to 6:00 and then, run, do morning exercises. After eating breakfast, I must go to class, I learn math and English, it is very difficult, but I studied very hard, I believe I can learn. In the afternoon, I generally in writing assignments, but sometimes I play computer. Night is the happiest when I can go shopping together with parents, I can watch TV. But I must sleep before 10 o 'clock. This is my summer vacation, I am very happy.


I have a very busy summer, yes, I am very busy, but I am very happy. A very long holiday, but I do not have a lot of idle time. Every morning, I would like 6:00 and then, running, doing morning exercises. After eating breakfast, I have to go to school, I studied mathematics and English, they are very difficult, but I tried very hard to learn, I believe I can learn. Afternoon, I generally have homework, but sometimes, I will play with the computer. At night time is the most happy, I can go shopping with their parents, I could watch television. But I must go to bed before 10 o'clock. This is my summer vacation, I am very happy

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