
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-09-10

第一个问题:首先,find sb adj to do sth这是一个句式,him是宾语,那么后面的内容便是宾语补足语哦。若是把him换成he,就可以加is了,当然,这就是一个宾语从句了哦。
后面的那个也是一样的,find sth\sb doingsth是一个宾语补足语,所以省掉了is,若是加了is,那么后面就成了:the company is making an invention这样的宾语从句了哦

2.在than的用法中,讲究对称性,如果你没有补充完全或者为了避免重复,就用that来代替前面的名词,所以用that代替了the water,很明显壶里的水比杯子里的水热,中文也可以看出对称性,壶里的水,杯子里的水。你可以理解为固定搭配,than后面接代词只能接that
3.it作形式宾语,代替to give up动词不定式,只有it可以作形式主语,形式宾语。用that的话,后面如果作为宾从来讲,明显没有谓语,所以不是宾从,也就不用连词that。

1.I haven't seen him for years.对划线部份提问
How long haven't you seen him?
2.The teacher has finished the book.
Has the teacher finished the book?
Yes,he/she has. No,he/she hasn't.
3.The old man lived in this house 40 years ago.变否定句
The old man didn't live in this house 40 years ago.
4.She spends the whole day in her room.
She spent the whole day in her room yesterday.
5.Her father goes to work by car. 对划线部分提问。
How does her father go to work?
1.I have read the book .I read it last year.(read)
2.They are in beijing now.they have been to Beijing twice.(be)
3.There will be (be) rain tomorrow,don't forget to take your umbrella wity you.
4. Will she come (come)very soon? I don't know.
5.The boy lost (lose) his way home and cried for help.


are /have been
will be
will she come

截图过来 都没画线


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