appreciate和grateful的不同用法  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

appreciate (adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciation appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语: 正:I'd appreciate some help. 误:I'd appreciate you for some help. appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如: In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language. 此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;
如: We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice. 在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。 appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如 I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help. appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如: Their investments have appreciated over the years. 大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?

grateful (反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude) grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如: I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. He was grateful that she didn't tell his parents about the incident. 另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如: I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.
除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别: "When you are 'grateful' to someone, you can sometimes feel a little 'beholden' to them. It creates a feeling of 'owingness'." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。 而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。

thank,appreciate两者均可表示“感激”,但有区别:即 appreciate 的宾语是事或事物,而 thank 的宾语必须是人.如:
误:We appreciated him and left.
正:We thanked him and left.
误:We thank your kindness.
正:We appreciate your kindness.(比较:Thank you for your kindness.)

When we stop and tell our partners what we aregratefulfor, we are also telling the Universe.

appreciate [ə'priːʃɪeɪt; -sɪ-] vi. 增值;涨价 vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别
1、欣赏;赏识;鉴赏;重视:例句:to appreciate good wine(品尝好酒)
2、为…表示感激(或感谢):We appreciate your helping us.我们对你们给予我们的帮助表示感谢。
3、对…作(正确)评价;鉴别;估计,估量:to appreciate the importance of …正确估计…的重要性
4、(充分)意识到,觉察,察知,注意到;懂得,体会,领会,理解:to appreciate the dangers of a situation充分意识到形势的危险
grateful 英 ['greɪtfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的
例句:I cannot express to you how grateful I am. 我无法向你表达我是多么感激。
He was so grateful that the tears pricked. 他感激得泪珠滚滚。

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