presently是什么意思  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03


presently 的英式发音为 [ˈprezntli],美式发音为 [ˈprezntli]。

presently 做动词为“不久后,很快”,表示一个事件或情况的发生会很快发生,例如:I'll be there presently.(我马上就来。)

presently 作名词为“现在,目前”,表示当前的状况,例如:The situation is presently unclear.(目前情况还不清楚。)


1、The crime is presently being investigated by the police. 


2、These are the courses presently available. 


3、Presently, the door opened again and three men stepped out. 


4、She'll be here presently. 


5、She is presently developing a number of projects... 


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