
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

  “把战争带给亚洲,把财富带回希腊”   正当伯罗奔尼撒战争使希腊诸城邦大伤元气的时候,北方近邻马其顿国家却逐渐强大起来,其国王腓力凭借其强大的军事力量,趁希腊各城邦混乱不堪、无力外御的时候, 先后夺取了一个个衰落的希腊城邦。公元前338年,马其顿军队大败希腊联军于喀罗尼亚城下,确立了在全希腊的霸主地位。下一步侵略目标,便是东方的波斯及其他文明世 界。然而,公元前336年,腓力二世遇刺身亡,他的儿子亚历山大受军队的拥戴登上王位,时年20岁。他决心继承父业,实现其称霸世界的目的。   亚历山大曾拜希腊著名哲学家亚里士多德为师,自幼接受希腊文化教育。他酷爱希腊文化,梦想不仅要征服世界,而且要使世界希腊化。他I6岁起,就跟随父亲参加军事 征战,学到不少作战技术和军事知识。在著名的喀罗尼亚战役中,18岁的亚历山大曾指 挥马其顿军队的左翼取得辉煌的战果。亚历山大继承王位之后,即着手仿效希腊人的制 度,实行政治、军事改革,削弱氏族贵族的势力,加强君主的权力;改革货币,奖励发展工商业;最重要的是军事改革,他创立了包括步兵、骑兵和海军在内的马其顿常备军, 将步兵组成密集、纵深的作战队形,号称马其顿方阵,中间是重装步兵,两侧为轻装步 兵,每个方阵还配有由贵族子弟组成的重装骑兵,作为方阵的前锋和护翼。亚历山大通过这些改革,使马其顿迅速成为军事强国。他在平定国内叛乱和希腊反马其顿起义之后, 便开始了对东方的远征。   公元前334年春,亚历山大率领马其顿和希腊各邦的联军,包括步兵3万人,骑兵 5000人和160艘战舰,渡过达达尼尔海峡,向波斯进军。当时波斯帝国已极度衰弱,大流士三世昏庸无能,政治腐败,内部矛盾重重。亚历山大以快速的攻势轻易地征服了小 亚细亚半岛。公元前333年,亚历山大的军队在伊苏斯大败波斯军队,波斯国王大流士三世落荒而逃。大流士的母亲、妻子和两个女儿被俘,损失步兵、骑兵约10万人,辎重 全部丢失。此役后,联军获得战争主动权,打开了通往叙利亚、腓尼基的门户。  公元前332年,亚历山大挥军南下,沿地中海东岸前进,攻占叙利亚,顺利进入埃 及,被埃及祭司宣布为“阿蒙神之子”(国王),他自封为法老。联军在尼罗河口兴建 亚历山大城,作为他继续东征的后方基地。  公元前331年春,亚历山大又率军从埃及回师亚洲,假道腓尼基向波斯腹地推进, 寻波斯军主力决战。10月初,在底格里斯河东岸的高加米拉以西与波斯军主力对阵。大 流士此时已组织了较强的新军,集结的军队来自24个部族,号称百万,有刀轮战车200 辆,战象15只。联军仅有步兵4万,骑兵7000人,展开正面不到敌阵正面的一半。双方展开了激烈的骑兵战和肉搏战。联军骑兵主力纵队利用缺口迅速揳入敌阵,直逼大流士 大营。大流士逃遁,波斯军惨败。联军乘胜南下夺取巴比伦,占领波斯都城苏萨和波斯 利斯,以及米底古都埃克巴坦那,摧毁了大流士政权,掳掠金银和其他战利品无数。据罗马历史学家普鲁塔克的记象,驮运财宝的骡子大约有2万头,骆驼约5000只。公元前 330年春,亚历山大引兵北上追击大流士,大流士被其部将谋杀,古波斯帝国及阿契美 尼德王朝遂亡。马其顿军队征服了波斯的全部领土,一个横跨欧、亚、非三洲的亚历山大帝国建立起来。
  公元前327年,亚历山大率军由里海以南地区继续东进,经安息(帕提亚)、阿里亚、德兰古亚那,北上翻越兴都库什山脉,到达巴克特里亚(大夏)和粟特。前325年 侵入印度,占领印度河流域,他还企图征服恒河流域,但是经过多年远途苦战,兵士疲惫不堪。由于印度人民的顽强抵抗,加之疟疾的传染,毒蛇的伤害,兵士拒绝继续前进, 要求回家。亚历山大不得不放弃东进计划,公元前325年7月从印度撤兵。
  亚历山大东征是一次掠夺性远征,历时10年,行程逾万里,灭亡了波斯帝国。在西起巴尔干半岛、尼罗河,东至印度河这一广袤地域,建成幅员空前的亚历山大帝国。在 东侵过程中,沿途建了许多新城,有好几座是以他自己的名字命名的,最著名的是埃及 北部沿海的亚历山大城,今天已经发展为埃及最大的海港。亚历山大建都巴比伦,部署入侵阿拉伯的规划。但是在公元前323年,他发烧死去,靠武力征服建立起来的庞大的 亚历山大帝国也随之瓦解。他的部将展开争权斗争,经长期混战,在原来帝国版图内形成了几个独立的王国,其中以马其顿、埃及和西亚三个王国领域最大。
  亚历山大东侵与有些战争相比,时间并不算长,但其独特的进攻和远距离机动作战 方式,却在世界战争史上留下了重要的一页。他孤军深入,以进攻为主连续战斗,进行了数以百计的抢渡江河、围城攻坚,以及山地、沙漠地和平原地作战,多次以速决战战 胜优势之敌。他在诸兵种运用,特别是骑兵运用、陆海军协同作战、进军路线选定、战 斗队形编成、作战指挥和后勤保障等方面,都有自己独到的做法。
  亚历山大远征,洗劫和烧毁了亚洲一些古老的城市,将成千上万的劳动人民掠为奴 隶,以野蛮、残忍、落后的手段毁灭了许多东方文明。
  亚历山大远征,客观上促进了东西方的文化交流。在苏萨一次盛大奢华的“结婚典礼”上,亚历山大亲自带头同波斯国王大流士的女儿斯塔提拉结了婚,许多马其顿的将 领都娶了波斯显贵的女儿,同日参加婚礼的有1万对之多。在结婚典礼上,亚历山大郑 重宣布,马其顿人与亚洲女子结婚,可以享受免税权利。他还亲自馈赠给新娘新郎许多 礼物,以示鼓励。他下令让3万名波斯男童,学习希腊语文和马其顿的兵法。亚历山大 以后,希腊文化依然在亚洲得到不断传播。历史学家称此现象为希腊化文化,将从亚历山大起到埃及被罗马征服为止这一段时间(前323—前3年),称之为希腊化时代。
  埃及的亚历山大城图书馆里收藏的从各地收集来的手稿,光是藏书目录就多达120 册,这些珍藏吸引着东西方各地好学之士到这里来从事研究。城里还集中了各种动物,以供学者研究动物学。正是从这时起,希腊人的科学技术与文化才更为丰富地发展起来, 使希腊文化与科学几乎在各个领域都处于领先地位。如今天人们都非常熟知的欧几里德 发明的几何学,阿基米德的力学、数学和物理学,埃拉托斯特尼的天文学和数学,提奥弗拉斯的农学、植物学,受到马克思高度评价的伊壁鸠鲁唯物主义哲学,还有医学、力 学、建筑学、地理学和解剖学等,都有很高成就。这些文化成就带来的就是一系列科学 发明,如当时用于战争中的许多机械性武器,用于生产上的抽水机、水磨、洗涤器等,用于建筑工程方面的起重机等。这些发明创造又在东西方各国得到了运用,推动了物质 文明发展。这些科学的发明和运用,不能完全归功于亚历山大的东征,但却是与这次东 征有一定关系的。这当然是一种客观后果。


  Alexander the Great World conqueror
  by Chris Whitten

  World conqueror, 356 B.C. - 323 B.C.
  I'm holding a handful of arrowheads that may have been shot from the bow of Alexander the Great.

  OK, that's a bit of a fantasy. But it's not too unlikely that these came from Alexander's army. These arrowheads were unearthed in Macedonia and date to the 4th century B.C., the century when Alexander and his men conquered most of the known world.

  Alexander is one of the most fascinating personalities in human history. Although he was the son of a king and inherited an empire that included most of the Greek city-states, Alexander's own conquests are what have made him admired, vilified, emulated, and studied for over two millennia.

  Through the years, so many stories have been told and retold about Alexander the Great that he has become more like a character from Greek mythology than a real human being. This, I'm sure, would have made him very happy. Being a Greek hero was always his ambition.

  [Click here or here for a more detailed timeline.
  Click here for the route Alexander followed.]

  Alexander's ambition
  Growing up, Alexander was fascinated by Homer's Iliad. It was the character of Achilles -- the hero of the story and the exemplar of all manly virtues -- that especially attracted him.

  [Alexander. Click here for a larger image. Glyptothek Munich, Germany.]

  Sometime in his early formative years he decided to model himself after Achilles.

  Emulating the famous hero was apparently encouraged by his teacher, the great philosopher Aristotle. According to the Roman historian Plutarch, Aristotle personally annotated a copy of the Iliad for Alexander. Alexander kept it with him throughout all his later travels, even sleeping with it under his pillow.

  Alexander's mother, Olympias, clearly encouraged him. This woman couldn't have been more meddling and ambitious for Alexander if she herself were a scheming goddess on Mount Olympus. In fact, she may have consorted with the gods. Or, at least, that's the rumor she spread.

  Olympias informed her son that he was actually a descendent of Achilles. And probably Hercules, too.

  [Marble statue from Gabii Louvre, Paris, France. Click here for a larger image.]

  And so, in keeping with his family tradition and the great expectations of his mother, Alexander looked for any opportunity to demonstrate his heroic strength and courage.

  In one episode, his father -- Philip II of Macedonia -- was considering purchasing a magnificent black stallion. But the horse was too wild. Nobody believed it could be tamed. The 14-year-old Alexander decided he could do it. He leapt onto its back and started a 16-year relationship with the horse, which he named Bucephalas.

  As the story goes, Philip was so proud of Alexander that he said to him: "My son, look thee out a kingdom equal to and worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee."

  Alexander inherits a kingdom
  When Alexander was 16, Philip made him regent of Macedonia while he was off fighting the Persians. (Nominally at least, Philip's campaign was revenge for Xerxes' Persian invasion of Greece, some 150 years earlier.) While regent, Alexander crushed an uprising in Thrace.

  When Alexander was 18, Philip left him in command of the left wing of the Macedonian army at the battle of Chaeronea. The battle was won, thanks in part to a courageous cavalry charge led by Alexander himself.

  When Alexander was 20, Philip was assassinated. A guard plunged a spear into his chest. Some say it was a conspiracy orchestrated by Olympias.

  And so, Alexander inherited a kingdom.

  Alexander conquers his world
  Inheriting a kingdom from his father didn't really please Alexander. What kind of hero gets everything given to him? This wouldn't satisfy Achilles or Hercules and it wouldn't satisfy him.

  [Nationalmuseum in Naples. Click here for a larger image. See this page for a series of larger portraits.]

  Alexander wanted to get started conquering ASAP.

  He got his first opportunity almost immediately. Some of the Greek city-states saw the ascension of the 20-year-old Alexander as a chance to regain their independence from the foreign Macedonians. By the way, "foreign" is how the Greeks saw the Macedonians, not how the Macedonians saw themselves. To this day, there's still contention over whether Macedonians are Greeks.

  Alexander took care of the little rebellion post-haste. To set an example, he completely razed the Greek city of Thebes in 335 B.C., killing most of the population -- including women and children -- and enslaving those few left alive. After that the Greeks were happily united behind Alexander and he could focus his attention on expanding the empire.

  He immediately began pushing east, against the old enemy Persia -- which his father never succeeded in defeating.

  After winning a battle for the city of Gordium, Alexander is said to have solved the famously tricky Gordian Knot. He sliced through the thing with his sword rather than fool around it. A legend supposedly foretold that whoever solved this puzzle would rule all of Asia.

  Alexander rapidly moved on to destroy the city of Tyre ... push through Palestine, Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan ... and conquer Egypt (or, depending on your perspective, "liberate" Egypt from the Persians). In bloody battle after bloody battle the Persian Empire and most of the known world fell to the hero Alexander and his Macedonian war machine.

  [Alexander's empire. Click here for a larger image.]

  Alexandria, Virginia to Alexander Beach, Washington
  For his greater glory, Alexander founded some 70 cities in the lands he conquered and ordered them named after himself. Most famous, of course, is Alexandria in Egypt. In India, when his beloved horse died, he ordered a city to be built named Bucephala.

  In 11 years, from 335 B.C. to 324 B.C., Alexander and his army battled their way across 22,000 miles.

  For perspective on that distance, think about traveling across America eight times, say, from Alexandria, Virginia to Alexander Beach, Washington. (Although Alexander did not conquer North America it's interesting to note that there are nearly two dozen cities and towns here named Alexander or Alexandria.)

  For most of Alexander's army these miles were traveled on foot. There's speculation that some of the grueling miles weren't even necessary, except to confirm Alexander's status as a hero.

  In 324 B.C., Alexander decided to march his army through the barren wasteland of the Gedrosian desert in present-day Iran. Some say he could have made this trip easy by sailing his troops through the Persian Gulf instead, but he decided to go through the desert as a challenge -- because no one had ever successfully brought an army through it.

  [The Gedrosian desert. Click here for more background.]

  Although the number is probably widely exaggerated, the Roman historian Arrian claimed that three quarters of Alexander's men died during this misadventure in the desert.

  Son of Zeus
  As I mentioned above, Olympias had told her son that he was a direct descendent of Achilles, on her side. Later she revealed to him something even more dramatic about his lineage. Philip was not his real father. Zeus was his father.

  [The beautiful, scheming Olympias. From a medal. Click here for a larger image.]

  Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, had come to Olympias in the form of a snake.

  As a matter of fact, Philip did acknowledge that his wife would sometimes sleep with snakes in their bed. This may have been part of the reason for their estrangement. Around 336 B.C. Philip effectively "divorced" Olympias and fathered children without her. This was about the same time that Philip was assassinated and Alexander inherited his throne.

  In 331 B.C., the Egyptian oracle at Siwa confirmed that Alexander was the son of the Zeus. Actually, the oracle confirmed that he was the son of Ammon, but Ammon is the Egyptian equivalent of Zeus in nearly as clear a way as Jupiter is his Roman equivalent.

  Was Olympias schizophrenic? Was Alexander a crazed megalomaniac?

  Maybe, but they did have a quite practical reason for claiming that Alexander was a god or demi-god, and may or may not have ever believed it themselves. It helped Alexander rule.

  Alexander's divine reputation helped him keep his tenuous hold over the people in his vast and disparate empire. It was an early precursor to the European monarchs' claims about the divine right of kings.

  Grief, ennui, and death
  For Alexander, the beginning of the end came when his best friend Hephaestion died of a fever. Hephaestion had been his close companion since they were teenagers. Many scholars say that Alexander and Hephaestion were lovers.

  Hephaestion's death was devastating to Alexander.

  Plutarch writes:

  At this misfortune, Alexander was so beyond all reason transported that, to express his sorrow, he immediately ordered the manes and tails of all his horses and mules to be cut .... The poor physician he crucified .... Then seeking to alleviate his grief in war, he set out, as it were, to a hunt and chase of men, for he fell upon the Cossaeans, and put the whole nation to the sword.
  Since this seems a bit extreme, even for a best friend and lover, some historians have speculated that Alexander was imitating the extravagance of Achilles when he grieved over the death of his best friend and lover Patroklos.

  According to the Iliad, to satisfy his heroic grief, Achilles supposedly killed Trojans by the hundreds, beheaded children, and dragged the body of Hektor, Patroklos's killer, around and around Patroklos's body for a week or two.

  [Silver drachm featuring Alexander, minted after his death, ca. 310 B.C. Click here for a larger image.]

  In the same year as Hephaestion's death, 324 B.C., Alexander's generals convinced him to withdraw from the action at the eastern frontier in order to consolidate his power back in Babylon, the capital of the empire.

  This is not what Alexander wanted. He was supposed to be a hero. He had no interest in sitting on a throne administering to the business of an empire. He wanted to be on his horse, sword in hand, conquering new lands.

  Alexander reluctantly spent the next year in Babylon, without Bucephalas, without Hephaestion, and without the action and glory of battle.

  Perhaps the inertia ate away at his soul. Plutarch writes that Alexander "lost his spirits, and grew diffident of the protection and assistance of the gods, and suspicious of his friends."

  Alexander drank heavily, and in a weakened state he caught a fever. After twelve days of suffering he died in Babylon at the age of 33.


  [Alexander and Bucephalas. Click here for a larger image. Nationalmuseum in Naples.]

  The Macedonian empire didn't live much longer than Alexander. After his death his kingdom was promptly carved up into three pieces by his generals.

  And the Macedonian people have never seen much peace or freedom. They've been under the feet of ambitious conquerors from the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Turkish Empire. More recently, their country was carved up between the world wars and made a part of communist Yugoslavia.

  But Alexander did win his glory. He fulfilled his ambition.

  He is quoted as saying, "I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity."

  That's exactly what he got. 2,300 years later we remember him as a legendary, mythic figure.












布西发拉斯(古希腊语:Βουκέφαλος,约前355年—前326年),它是亚历山大大帝的爱马,名字βούς 即“公牛”的意思,κεφαλή 即“头”,合起来就是“牛头”。






















  亚历山大东征历时10年,行程逾万里,灭亡了波斯帝国。在西起巴尔干半岛、尼罗河,东至印度河这一广袤地域,建成幅员空前的亚历山大帝国。在东征过程中,沿途建了许多新城,有好几座是以他自己的名字命名的,最著名的是埃及北部沿海的亚历山大城,今天已经发展为埃及最大的海港。亚历山大建都巴比伦,部署入侵阿拉伯的规划。但是在公元前323年,他发烧死去,靠武力征服建立起来的庞大的亚历山大帝国也随之瓦解。 帝国被他的四位将领瓜分,其中托勒密将军在南面统治了埃及,巴勒斯坦,塞琉古将军在东面统治了叙利亚,地中海一带。卡山德将军在西统治了马其顿和希腊一带,安提柯将军在北统治了小亚细亚,土耳其一带。庞大的亚历山大帝国就如此败落。

姓名:亚历山大大帝 出生地:马其顿帝国 身份:国王 梦想征服世界的霸王亚历山大大帝,是欧洲历史上最伟大的军事天才,马其顿帝国最富盛名的征服者。他雄才伟略,勇于善战,领军驰聘欧亚非大陆,使得古希腊文明广泛传播。亚历山大大帝,古代马其顿国王,世界古代史上著名的军事家和政治家。生于马其顿王国首都派拉城。曾师从古希腊著名学者亚里士多德。十八岁随父出征,二十岁继承王位。他足智多谋,在担任马其顿国王的短短13年中,以其雄才大略。东征西讨,先是确立了在全希腊的统治地位,后又灭亡了波斯帝国。在横跨欧、亚的辽阔土地上,建立起了一个西起希腊、马其顿,东到印度恒河流域,南临尼罗河第一瀑布,北至药杀水的以巴比伦为首都的庞大帝国。创下了前无古人的辉煌业绩,促进了东西方文化的交流和经济的发展,对人类社会的进展产生了重大的影响。 [编辑本段]生平经历 早年(前356~前336) 亚历山大大帝,他于公元前356年出生在马其顿首都佩拉,由于亚历山大的母亲奥林匹亚的个性专横独断又神秘,甚至记载她喜欢与蛇共眠,这使她很令腓力二世厌弃,但她对儿子亚历山大的影响非常大,远征期间的亚历山大常常会写信给母亲叙述见闻。因为当时在马其顿的谣言和后来阿蒙神谕的显示,当时记载普遍相信亚历山大是天神宙斯之子,在亚历山大出世之前,奥林匹亚梦见雷电,而佩拉市区则有一座女神殿失火焚毁,附近人心惶惶,几个占卜师都说是大灾难来临的前兆,此时有一人却说:“女神殿的焚毁日,已有一个男孩在同日诞生,此儿以后将要灭亡全亚洲。” 亚历山大的成长受荷马的《伊利亚特》及其中人物阿基里斯和传说人物海格力斯影响很大(他的父母王系各称是海格力斯和阿基里斯的后代)。亚历山大小的时候,腓力二世聘请了希腊哲学家亚里士多德作他和其他马其顿王国贵族子弟在米埃札的导师。亚里士多德给予他完整的口才和文学训练,并且激发了他对科学、医学和哲学的兴趣。亚历山大童年早期就显示了在音乐和马术上的才华。据普鲁塔克记载,公元前344年,12岁的亚历山大发现一匹被他人认为不能驯服的马。他只是柔和的对马说了几句话便成功地驯服了那匹马。他给那马起名为塞弗勒斯。当时腓力高兴地说: “我的儿子,找你一个与你相称的王国吧。马其顿给你的地方不足。” 公元前340年,腓力出战拜占庭城邦(古希腊移民城邦),16岁的亚历山大代父统治马其顿,并率领部队镇压马其顿北部的起义,建立了城市。公元前338年,18岁的亚历山大在切罗尼埃战役中指挥马其顿军队左侧,消灭了底比斯城邦的精锐部队:底比斯圣队。同年,腓力成立了科林斯同盟,巩固在马其顿领导下希腊城邦之间的和平。 公元前337年,腓力二世与奥林匹亚离婚,随后娶了马其顿贵族阿塔鲁斯的侄女克利奥帕特拉。当阿塔鲁斯在腓力二世与克丽欧佩特拉的婚礼酒会上评价说马其顿王室将会有一个合法的继承人时(估计是在暗喻小老婆克丽欧佩特拉的孩子将会代替亚历山大成为王国继承人), 亚历山大回答: “那么我呢,你这卑鄙的人,你把我当成什么了……一个杂种吗?” 说完便把酒杯向他扔去。当腓力护着阿塔鲁斯站在椅子上向亚历山大抽剑时,生气的他因为醉酒站不稳而在椅子上摔倒了。亚历山大嘲笑道: “你们瞧啊!一位准备从欧洲横扫小亚细亚的国王,却连一张椅子都跳不过去。” 被腓力驱逐后,亚历山大与母亲奥林匹亚逃亡伊庇鲁斯,在马其顿他原本安稳的继承权被受到质疑。短期之后腓力派使者召回亚历山大,与他和解并于秋天返回马其顿。 公元前336年,腓力二世在埃格举行自己女儿的婚礼时被皇家保镖保萨尼阿斯刺杀身亡,其策划没有最终的解答,奥林匹亚由于她对此公开表示喜悦以及和凶手共有的与伊庇鲁斯的联系而被怀疑为幕后策划者。而亚历山大则代表官方马其顿指责凶手是受波斯国王大流士三世的指使,这成为他后来向波斯进攻的理由。 继位和巩固政权(前336~前335) 20岁的亚历山大被马其顿军队中的安提帕特派系推举为新国王。利用在佩拉的优势,他通过腓力二世的葬礼和减少税收的政策赢得了马其顿人民和军队的支持。他以参与腓力二世的暗杀的罪名处死埃罗普斯的两个儿子,当时被腓力派遣东征于小亚细亚的阿塔鲁斯。同有继位权的阿明塔斯则以策谋颠覆亚历山大的罪名被处死。奥林比亚则杀了克利奥帕特拉和她的也有继位权的儿子。 被迫与腓力结盟的雅典和仇恨腓力二世的底比斯把腓力二世被刺看作是重新赢得独立的机会。为了赢得希腊同盟的承认,公元前336年末,亚历山大带领军队进入原被腓力二世统治的特萨利,在成功打破其贵族在边境的抵制后,他被承认为特萨利新的世袭统治者。亚历山大之后南下,使得底比斯投降,雅典也再次臣服。

  • 亚历山大大帝的生平简介
  • 亚历山大大帝生平简介
  • 亚历山大大帝生平简介
  • 亚历山大大帝生平事迹
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    答:亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great,公元前356年7月20日—前323年6月10日),即亚历山大三世,马其顿帝国国王,亚历山大帝国皇帝,生于古马其顿王国首都佩拉,世界古代史上著名的军事家和政治家。是欧洲历史上最伟大的四大军事统帅之首(亚历山大大帝,汉尼拔,恺撒大帝,拿破仑)。曾师从古希腊著名学者亚里士...
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    答:亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great,公元前356年7月20日—前323年6月10日),即亚历山大三世,马其顿王国(亚历山大帝国)国王,生于古马其顿王国首都佩拉,世界古代史上著名的军事家和政治家。是欧洲历史上最伟大的四大军事统帅之首(亚历山大大帝,汉尼拔·巴卡,恺撒大帝,拿破仑)。公元前323年6月初,...
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