
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06




2-3 个理由。
Frequently, parents are placed in a dilemma on children’s pocket money: how
much money should they give and how frequently should they give? It is surely
not a good idea to disappoint children, but parents have the concern whether
children spend the money wisely. In my mind, a better solution is to make a deal
with children that they will get certain amount of pocket money weekly and then
they are supposed to learn how to manage the money.
To begin with, it is natural that children need money. At school, they
sometimes may feel hungry between mealtimes and want to buy food from vending
machines. Or, they suddenly find that they leave their stationeries at home and
need to buy a new pen and notebooks. In addition, money is also needed for
children’s social activities after school, such as toys and tools. All these are
reasonable causes for children to spend money. For example, most students would
like to buy a bottle of cold beverage after doing sports together, especially
during summer time. On the contrary, without money in pocket, a child will feel
embarrassing to sit around peers holding Coca-Cola and consciously avoid such
occasions even by rejecting to participate in sports activities.
Secondly, by giving certain amount of pocket money regularly, parents are
able to teach children wealth management. The reason why parents are reluctant
to give children money is that they doubt whether children will squander the
money on useless or even harmful commodities, like junk food. To prevent
children from wasting money, parents can require them to keep accounts.
Moreover, as the regular pocket money is the only source of incomes, children
will be encouraged to purposefully restrict their purchasing behavior and even
make budgets, which is beneficial for their whole life. For instance, the habit
of saving a small amount of money weekly for months to buy a desirable gift
enables them to manage wealth for important investments, like automobiles and
houses, after they begin to work and become financially independent. When
children get accustomed to having pocket money weekly and are able to make ends
meet, it is time for parents to give them money monthly.
To sum up, it is necessary for parents to give children pocket money
weekly, as children need money in both school life and social life. Also, to
give pocket money is an effective way to teach children how to manage

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