
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Hello, good to see you all here. Thanks for coming. I am so glad you could all join us.
Today, I will show you some photographs of the lost civilization of (城市), and to tell you about how to protect the historical in(城市).
As everyone knows, (城市)is an ancient city. And there are many historical places, like (景点)and so on. They are the symbol of(城市), the pride of (城市), too. But how can we protect our (城市), We should protect the Environment.
I hope this has been interesting to you. Thank you for being such a good audience.

My beautiful home, where its spring scenic.
Spring, my hometown, green grass and flowers are in bloom. Out of the tree branches, birds singing in the merry. Looking around is the continuous mountains, mountains and rolling hillsides in the spring, as if a domesticated hen the carpet, until the sky. Graceful flowers blossoming in a dotted mountains, attract colorful butterflies; in the depths of the mountain is the terraced rows of shapes, by definition, is the same as the stairs rice; a winding path to article rice into the ever-changing shape, some like crescent, and some, like boats, some as sickle ... ... in the spring, when seedling growth, fresh green color of the home that add still more beautiful.

2003-1-9, the archeological experts found the corpse of Sichui King, the owner of the tomb beside the west side of the coffin of Daqingdun tomb of Han Dynasty in Siyang, Jiangsu Province. According to the excavation at site, the experts estimated the height and age of Sishui King.
  By now, the archeological staff has found seven pieces of bones including mandible, pelvic bone and femur from the coffin at the west side. According to the initial estimation, the experts considered the five bones out of seven belonged to the owner of the tomb Sishui King. According to these bones, the archeologists initially estimated that the Sishui King was about 45 to 50 years old, height over 1.75m. This is the breakthrough for discovering the suspicion that Sichui King of which generation is this.During the process of cleaning the stolen cave, the archeologists learned the situation about the stolen of this tomb.Up to now, the archeologists have found bronze ware, painted ware, golden ware, and decorations such as dragon heads and tiger heads made from the rhinocerotic horns. They estimated that there is still a batch of cultural relics inside the cave. At the eastern side of the tomb of Han Dynasty in Daqingdun, there are another two coffins, in which, the archeologists happily found complete stairs, inscribed windows, bronze hearth model and nearly 50 standing terracotta and wooden horse and dogs. Inside the coffin there are some shields and knives as well as a wooden book inscribed with Dishu of Han Dynasty. The archeologists initially judged these two coffins belong to the owner of the tomb, i.e. the guards to certain Sishui King in Han Dynasty and the model of their station. At another externally kept coffin to the east, the archeologists also cleaned out a lot of grains. Obviously, the owner wanted to possess the granary after his death.
  2003-1-9 after, the externally kept coffin at the correct south of the tomb has also been harvested with more than 130 pieces of wooden terracotta and horses unearthed. The cleaning job is still on.Background information When the archeological departments of Jiangsu Province are carry out excavation as first aid to the tombs of Han Dynasty in Siyang County lately, they found out 100 elaborate cultural relics in one tomb.
  According to the record, Siyang was the territory of Sishui Kingdom in Han Dynasty. There are more than 20 tombs of royal families kept in the 7,000,000m2 land in this county.After intentional excavation for more than 2 days, most of the articles buried with the dead in the main tomb room in Daqingdun Han Tomb in Siyang have bee excavated. During the process when the archeologists were cleaning the main coffin room, two new auxiliary architecture were found. In addition, the archeologists also found that the tomb was severely stolen when excavating the coffin to the east side, Therefore, no precious cultural relics were found in the tomb at the east side.

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