
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

My Mother My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also. My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever. Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind. 我的母亲 我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的女性.她总是彬彬有礼.她细心地照顾孩子并使他们都上学读书.我有一个哥哥,两个妹妹,所以她总共有四个孩子.她使我们做每件事时都感到舒适.我们都爱她,她也爱我们. 为了抚养我们,母亲有太多的事要做.因为我们家很穷,雇不起佣人,母亲总是必须做很多工作.她每天起早贪黑,辛苦地工作,从无怨言. 她又是一位节俭勤勉的妇女.她尽可能地节省每一分钱,并且使每一件事情都井井有条.由于年轻时就一直忙碌,所以从外表看上去更见苍老.她的脸布满皱纹,头发也变成了灰白,但她仍像从前一样辛勤地操劳. 她常对我们说:“工作时工作,玩乐时玩乐,如果不工作,你将变得懒惰,从而无益于社会.”这是一番多么好的忠告啊!我们必须珍视它,并将它牢记心中.Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree. 狐狸和公鸡 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡.他想:这是我的早餐. 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡很高兴.他闭上眼睛开始唱歌.狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了. 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸.大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了.”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡.告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的.” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的.”就在那时,公鸡逃离了狐狸的嘴巴,跑到了树底下. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid." 【译文】 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好朋友.一只老鼠居住在乡村,另一只住在城里.很多年以后,乡下老鼠碰到城里老鼠,它说:“你一定要来我乡下的家看看.”于是,城里老鼠就去了.乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里.它把所有最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠.城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为什么住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,还会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家看看.” 乡下老鼠就到城里老鼠的家去.房子十分漂亮,好吃的东西也为他们摆好了.可是正当他们要开始吃的时候,听见很大的一阵响声,城里的老鼠叫喊起来:“快跑!快跑!猫来了!”他们飞快地跑开躲藏起来. 过了一会儿,他们出来了.当他们出来时,乡下老鼠说:“我不喜欢住在城里,我喜欢住在田野我的洞里.因为这样虽然贫穷但是快乐自在,比起虽然富有却要过着提心吊胆的生活来说,要好些 118

1、Business Hours 营业时间
2、Office Hours 办公时间
3、Entrance 入口
4、Exit 出口
5、Push 推
6、Pull 拉
7、Shut 此路不通
8、On 打开 ( 放)
9、Off 关
10、Open 营业
11、Pause 暂停
12、Stop 关闭
13、Closed 下班
14、Menu 菜单
15、Fragile 易碎
16、This Side Up 此面向上
17、Introductions 说明
18、One Street 单行道
19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右
20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过
21、Wet Paint 油漆未干
22、Danger 危险
23、Lost and Found 失物招领处
24、Give Way 快车先行
25、Safety First 安全第一
26、Filling Station 加油站
27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟
28、No Photos 请勿拍照
29、No Visitors 游人止步
30、No Entry 禁止入内
31、No Admittance 闲人免进
32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭
33、Parting 停车处
34、Toll Free 免费通行
35、F.F. 快进
36、Rew. 倒带
37、EMS (邮政)特快专递
38、Insert Here 此处插入
39、Open Here 此处开启
40、Split Here 此处撕开
41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理
42、"AA"Film 十四岁以下禁看电影
43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车
44、No U Turn 禁止掉头
45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯
46、No Cycling in the School 校内禁止骑车
47、SOS 紧急求救信号
48、Hands Wanted 招聘
49、Staff Only 本处职工专用
50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物
51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸
52、Keep Silence 保持安静
53、On Sale 削价出售
54、No Bills 不准张贴
55、Not for Sale 恕不出售
56、Pub 酒店
57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆
58、Bar 酒巴
59、Laundry 洗衣店
60、Travel Agency 旅行社
61、In Shade 置于阴凉处
62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存
63、Poison 有毒/毒品
64、Guard against Damp 防潮
65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手
66、Complaint Box 意见箱
67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用
68、Bakery 面包店
69、Keep Dry 保持干燥
70、Information 问讯处
71、No Passing 禁止通行
72、No Angling 不准垂钓
73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎
74、Seat by Number 对号入座

75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物
76、Ticket Office(or: Booking Office)售票处
77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记
78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土
79、Men's /Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所
80、Women's /Ladies/Ladies' Room女厕所
81、Occupied (厕所)有人
82、Vacant (厕所)无人
83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便
84、Net(Weight) 净重
85、MAN: 25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日
86、EXP: 25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日
87、Admission Free免费入场
88、Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处
89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先
90、Save Food 节约粮食
91、Save Energy 节约能源
92、Handle with Care 小心轻放
93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内
94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火
95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶
96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行
97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立
98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西
99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上
100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处 这些够吗?

2、Office Hours 办公时间 

3、Entrance 入口 

4、Exit 出口 

5、Push 推 

6、Pull 拉 

7、Shut 此路不通 

8、On 打开 ( 放) 

9、Off 关 

10、Open 营业 

11、Pause 暂停 

12、Stop 关闭 

13、Closed 下班 

14、Menu 菜单 

15、Fragile 易碎 

16、This Side Up 此面向上 

17、Introductions 说明 

18、One Street 单行道 

19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 

20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 

21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 

22、Danger 危险 

23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 

24、Give Way 快车先行 

25、Safety First 安全第一 

26、Filling Station 加油站 

27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 

28、No Photos 请勿拍照 

29、No Visitors 游人止步 

30、No Entry 禁止入内 

31、No Admittance 闲人免进 

32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 

33、Parting 停车处 

34、Toll Free 免费通行 

35、F.F. 快进 

36、Rew. 倒带 

37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 

38、Insert Here 此处插入 

39、Open Here 此处开启 

40、Split Here 此处撕开 

41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 

42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 

43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 

44、No U Turn 禁止掉头 

45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 

46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 

47、SOS 紧急求救信号 

48、Hands Wanted 招聘 

49、Staff Only 本处职工专用 

50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 

51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸 

52、Keep Silence 保持安静 

53、On Sale 削价出售 

54、No Bills 不准张贴 

55、Not for Sale 恕不出售 

56、Pub 酒店 

57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆 

58、Bar 酒巴 

59、Laundry 洗衣店 

60、Travel Agency 旅行社 

61、In Shade 置于阴凉处 

62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存 

63、Poison 有毒/毒品 

64、Guard against Damp 防潮 

65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手 

66、Complaint Box 意见箱 

67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用 

68、Bakery 面包店 

69、Keep Dry 保持干燥 

70、Information 问讯处 

71、No Passing 禁止通行 

72、No Angling 不准垂钓 

73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎 

74、Seat by Number 对号入座 

75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物 

76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处 

77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记 

78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土 

79、Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所 

80、Women“s/Ladies/Ladies“ Room女厕所 

81、Occupied (厕所)有人 

82、Vacant (厕所)无人 

83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便 

84、Net(Weight) 净重 

85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日 

86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日 

87、Admission Free免费入场 

88、Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处 

89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先 

90、Save Food 节约粮食 

91、Save Energy 节约能源 

92、Handle with Care 小心轻放 

93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内 

94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火 

95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶 

96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行 

97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立 

98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西 

99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上 

100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处 


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