
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

You shipping agent told us that the two equipments are still in the customs for inspection,and if it can finished this afternoon,the equipments will arrive Korea in the morning.
And we are waiting the agent send us the airway bill,then we will send it to you.

1. A friend of a dream must not give up, so long as you keep on, you will certainly succeed..
2 .Don't forget to live for yourself, for the one you love
3.Ray hit down, the rain falls down, the day will naturally sunny. Pull and be polite, pull and not crazy.
4 .What do you want to do, be brave to do, to live in the present

My name is......I am A gentle and quiet and introverted girl, like singing, like English very much, especially interesting English words with me, but my understanding of the grammar is very poor, I will work hard in this respect, to A class is my pleasure, hope I can get along with you, learn English together, let us refuel together!


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