
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01
请英语大神帮忙翻译一下这句话“热烈欢迎澳大利亚A企业曾总一行回国考察投资 ”谢谢啦!

Welcome the general director of xxx company from Australia to come to China for inspection and investment.

主语:The reason why laughter can reduce pain
系动词:seems to be
表语(从句):that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which reduces both stress and pain.





How long will it last like this?
Didn't he tell you it had lasted like this for a long time?

how long is this supposed to be going on?
didn't he tell you how long this's been going on?
you thought that i'd just all of a sudden deside to be getting a crush on someone?

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    答:execptable for the host. This example is derrived from the misconception of a time-related social rule that Chinese has on American's dinning invitation, that leads to a socializing faliure.纯手打T^T,如果是超严肃论文的话有些字跟语气要转换一下。有什么抓虫的地方请务必追问 ...
  • 请英语高手帮忙翻译5个句子(要用括号里面的词)谢谢了,大神帮忙啊
    答:1. when her father was ill, she has been caring for him all the time. 2. the movie is recomposed, based on the novel written by Sinclair - Louise. 3.the driver should be entirely responsible for the traffic accident. 4.the desert may also be changed into very beautiful ...
  • 各位会英文的大神们,帮忙翻译一下这几句英文,说的是什么意思,帮忙翻译...
    答:翻译:亲爱的顾客你好:这是一个自动的回复,谢谢你的电子邮件。我们的邮件服务时间是从星期一到星期五。我们会在3天之内回答你的请求。诚挚的问候 (服务的名称)
  • 求英语大神,翻译这三句话
  • 各位会英语的的大神,麻烦帮忙翻译一下,对我很重要,谢谢
    答:图片中的两句英文I'm so tired ,I need to rest 可以翻译如下:我太累了,我需要休息。如果您觉得我的回答还不错的话,望采纳谢谢。
  • 在线急求英文翻译三句话!
    答:"The rise of each power has its own special background and its special advantage. 'Iron Chancellor' Bismarck fully played his outstanding political diplomatic wisdom. After the three dynasty wars ,step by step ,through his 'bloody policies' ,he eventually unified Germany and ...
  • 会英语的大神们帮我翻译一下,这划线的三句话,完全看不懂啊
  • 英语大神,请帮忙翻译一段话!谢谢了~
    答:回答和翻译如下:从空间上俯视中国,海纳百川、兼容万物同化了入侵的异族,使疆土不断扩大。从时间上仰视中国,中华民族以其博大精深的文化为人类创造了灿烂的文明。虽然中国错过了工业革命,但赶上了信息时代的浪潮,并领导着当下的智能时代……Overlooking China from space, the sea is full of rivers ...
  • 求大神帮忙用英语翻译一下这几句,别用那个捉急的谷歌翻译,急求!!!
    答:你好,原创可翻译为:1.However,with the growth of ages,dreams are further and further away from us.If people have the grand ideals now,they will even be sneered(made fun of) by others.2.Sometimes we need a will to dare to run for dreams just like Jisung Park never stops ...
  • 英语翻译,拜托大神帮忙…
    答:1 once he determined, won't give in.2 every few years he will go home.3 suddenly burst out laughing4, she put on her hat to prevent sunburn skin.5, she insisted on taking care of the children望采纳哦