
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08

这是由一个特殊疑问代词what引导的宾语从句,即what's going on around the world作find out的宾语。主谓分别是I、hope,剩余的句子全都是宾语成分,不过,需要注意的是,在宾语部分仍有动宾结构(见第一句分析)。

谓语:meet 将来时,否定
宾语:millions of potential lovers
从句谓语:are filtered out 被动语态

第一句:Casualties (主语) continued to mount (谓语动词)over the long years (状语)(之后为省略that的定语从句修饰 the long years)i (定语从句主语)have struggled (定语从句谓语),more and more (递进关系连词)i (递进分句主语)find (谓语)myself (宾语)wondering (动名词做补语)if (引导 wondering 的宾语从句)its all (宾语从句主语)worth (宾语从句谓语)fighting for(宾语) ,who knows(整句语气词,或者可以理解为之前的全部内容为 who knows 的宾语从句)?

译: 经过这些年的努力挣扎伤亡人数仍然持续增加, 而且我发现自己越来越怀疑所有的这一切是否值得去争取,谁知道呢?

第二句:nothing of any consequence(双宾语中的第二宾语),I (主语)assure (谓语动词)you(双宾语中的第一宾语).

宾语 nothing of any consequence 为了强调而提前。 其中 of any consequence 为介宾短语作定语修饰 nothing.


chosequence 为拼写错误 应该是 consequence。 nothing of any consequence 没什么关系,没什么重要的。

第一句:Casualties continued to mount over the long years i have struggled ,more and more i find myself wondering if its all worth fighting for ,who knows?

Casualties continue to mount over the long years I've struggled.

More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for.

Maybe one day I'll find out.

第二句:nothing of any chosequence,I assure you.


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