
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07


Whose house does not have a big dish, a *** all bowl, knocking and touching.


A flower can't dress up a beautiful spring. A person is always alone when he is advanced. Only when everyone is advanced can he move mountains and reclaim seas.


The greatest strength is to work together.


Unity has strength and wisdom. Without sincere equality or inadequate equality, there can be no lasting and sincere unity.


Only tolerance can tolerate people, only thick can carry things.


A light frost kills a single grass, and a strong wind destroys ten thousand trees.


To guard against pride is a matter of principle for leaders and an important condition for maintaining unity.


All tested friends should be closely united around you.


The great power of man is here, and he feels that he is in a friendly collective.


Unity is an important spirit. If a person wants to succeed, he must have the spirit of cooperation with others besides his own high quality.


Hundreds of wickers tie brooms and five fingers clench fists.


As long as millions of labourers unite as one person and follow the excellent people of their own class, victory will be guaranteed.


Why can't the proletarians of the world unite and rise up? They won't lose anything but chains!


Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.


The collective strength is like steel, and the wisdom of all is like the sun and the moon.


A man is like a brick in the wall of the auditorium, nobody can move; but when he is thrown on the road, he will be kicked open.


Five people unite with one tiger, ten people unite with one dragon, and a hundred people unite like Mount Tai.


Gold and silver are not really rich. Unity and harmony are happiness.


Common cause and mon struggle can make people have the power to endure everything.


The bonfire can disperse the cold, and unity can drive away the difficulties.


Cohesion produces strength, unity gives birth to hope!


Together, people can do things that cannot be done by themselves; when wisdom, hands and strength are bined, they are almost omnipotent.


The top and bottom work together to build a civilized dormitory and create a beautiful home with one mind and one mind in all aspects.


Not far away from the lonely geese, a person is short of vitality.


We will surrender to any powerful enemy, any difficult environment.


Only a beautiful flower can not dress up a beautiful spring. Only by integrating into a united collective can individuals achieve their grand goals.


Unity is strength. Unity is needed in all aspects. Our big family needs to unite more in order to blossom a more enquiring glory. Cooperation is inevitable in unity.


Because unity is the most beautiful note, how can the melody with the most beautiful note be deafening?


Military and civilian unity is like one person, try to see who can be the enemy under the world.


Whoever is separated from the collective will have a sad fate.


One fence, three piles, one hero and three gangs.


When the wind blows, it cools, and when there are more people, it is stronger.


To live is to do something for the whole. Dripping water has a wetting effect, but dripping water must join the river and sea to bee waves.

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