
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
造句 用 点一下

他真是莫名其妙。 这件事真是让我出乎意料。 春姑娘蹦蹦跳跳的走来,笑靥如花!
他 信心十足。 依稀还记得那个雨天的邂逅,你和我在树林里相遇了。 夜色逐渐降临,绚烂的彩霞将整个天空渲染得金碧辉煌! 桂花开了,飘来阵阵清香,让人心旷神怡。

His total points is 87.

1:She is there on business.她在那儿出差。2:Enjoy yourself to the sweets.随便吃糖果。3:He enjoys reading.他喜欢阅读。4:There are a great number of flowers in our school.我们学校有大面积的花。5:The bag is different from mine.那个包和我的不一样。6:He didn't go to bed until nine o'clock.他直到九点才睡觉。7:I will give you a ring tomorrow.我明天打电话给你。8:He borrowed a book from Jack yesterday.他昨天向杰克借了一本书。9:I spend little time on reading novels.我花很少的时间看小说。

1。my father went on business to Shanghai last week2. i always do some reading to enjoy myself3. he is enjoy drinking different kind of red wine4. it is Nation Day today, there is a great number of people walking on the street5. even if they are brothers, their way of thoughts are different from each other6. i wasn't until 11 o'clock 7. please give your father a ring

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