2013年安徽高考英语作文题目:On the Way to School

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08

  生词提示:中国式过马路:Chinese style of crossing road 红绿灯:traffic light
  The picture shows what the Chinese style of crossing the street is. It is clear that some pedestrians tend to run the red light in groups when crossing the street. This phenomenon has attracted widespread concern in China. There are two main reasons behind this phenomenon. Some people are always in a hurry, so they ignore the traffic signal to save time. Others lack safety awareness,thinking drivers have to stop because so many people cross the street together.  Actually running the red light is very dangerous because it may lead to more traffic jams and accidents. I hope immediate measures should be taken to prevent this bad behavior. First, the public should be educated to follow the traffic rules. Second, more overpasses should be built to make it easy to cross the street. Besides, whoever breaks the traffic rules should be severely punished. By doing so, we will be able to get around safely.
【相关报道】2013安徽高考外语考试结束 英语作文与中国式过马路有关
发表日期:2013-6-8 17:00 已有679人浏览
资讯标签: 2013安徽高考 2013安徽高考英语作文 2013安徽高考外语
合肥市十一中张姓考生说,英语考试和模考难度差不多,完型填空和阅读均不是很难,单选是自己的弱项,英语作文是以“遵守文明,从我做起”为题,写120字的作文。(吴婷婷 黄丛萍)

Good afternoon everyone,
Welcome to our school!High school students are faced with a choice between arts and science. It was not an easy choice for me to make. After careful consideration, though,I decide on science as my main subject of study.
The reason are as follows:
Firstly ,science graduates are in greater demand than arts in China.Secondly ,the science major may help me achieve my childhood dream of becoming a scientist. Thirdly, my parents wish me to study science at college ,because they believe I will have a brighter future as a science student.But last not least,my physics teacher is my role moder, whose influence on me had a lot to do with my decision.
It is for these reason that I finally made my choice.

On the way to school, I noticed a fire. I called the fire department immediately. In a few minutes, the fire fighters came and started work. But, it was not easy to put out the fire, because there was not enough water. In addition, the wind was high, which made the situation worse. The fire fighters were doing their best. But, all of a sudden, a foreign lady rushed to the fire fighters for help. She was talking quickly in English and made lots of gestures to show the fire fighters what was happening. But, the fire fighters could not understand what she was saying. They tried to call the fire station for an interpeter. But, the lady started crying. I waved to her and asked her what had happened. She was very excited to see someone speaking her language. She told me her baby was in her bedroom on the second floor. I told the fire fighters right away and they sent one man there by a high ladder. Her baby was rescued and the lady gave me a big hug. I felt excited because I made use of my English learnt from my school.


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