
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

this cartoon is telling about two students were talking about a smoking teacher who had just told them that they shold not smoke.

I think the teacher is doing wrong.

As a teacher, they should not smoke due to be model for his students to look up.

Achieve 10 marks’ above the line of undergraduate admission(10分是举例,可带入其他数字)
with a lack of time preparing for the examination(伴随状态with a lack of time doing sth)

第1句:Lack of understanding of the relevant policies of the school with their own negligence, failed to timely report and inform the school, leading to poor results, give some understanding of the school
第2句:When the right hand fracture, affecting my life and learning. Review period, due to pain in his right hand during the review has brought a lot of inconvenience and trouble, while another right hand during the examination period as inflexible, slow writing speed, resulting in poor results
第3句:Appropriate it

1 because do not know the school policies and his carelessness, failed to timely report and notify the school, cause undesirable results, please give certain schools of understanding!
2 then hand fracture, affect my life and learning. During the review, because of the pain in hand during the review has brought much inconvenience and trouble, while during the exam again not flexible hand writing, slow, causing bad results.

1. Lacking of understanding of the relevant policies of the school with my own negligence,I failed to report and inform school timely leading to bad results, please give some understanding.
2. As that time the right hand fractured, it affected my own life and study. During the review period, the pain of my right hand had brought a lot inconveniences and troubles. And as the right hand wasn't flexible during the examination, my slow speed of writing had caused bad results.
3. handle properly

1、Because do not know the school policies and his carelessness, failed to timely report and notify the school, cause undesirable results, please give certain schools of understanding!

2、Then when fracture, affect the right of my life and learning. During the review, because of the pain in hand during the review has brought much inconvenience and trouble, while during the exam again not flexible hand writing, slow, causing bad results.

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