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kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-23



The United States of America covers a large part of North America. Its neighbors are Canada to the north. 美利坚合众国覆盖了北美的一大部分。它的北方邻国是加拿大。Although the United States is a big country, it is not the largest in the world. 虽然美国是一个大国,但它不是世界上最大的国家。Washington D.C. is the country’s capital. Its population is over three million. 华盛顿是美国的首都。其人口超过三百万。Several other cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and so on have an even larger population. 有好几个城市,像纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶、旧金山等拥有更多饿人口。Washington D.C. is only the eighth largest city in the country, but it is one of the most beautiful cities. 华盛顿仅是美国的第八大城市,不过它是最美丽的城市之一。When the land first became a nation after winning its independence (独立) from England, there were only thirteen states. 当这块陆地从英国手中赢得自己的独立而首次成为一个国家时,当时只有十三个州。All those states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added. 所有这些州都谓语该大陆的东部。随着国家向西部发展成长,新的州不断增加。For a long time, there were 48 states. In 1959, however, Alaska joined the Union and four years later Hawaii became the 50th state. 有很长时间,美国一直有48个州。可是在1959年,阿拉斯加加入了联邦,四年后,夏威夷成为了第50个州。Among the 50 states Alaska is the biggest. Texas is smaller than Alaska but it is much bigger than the other 48 states. 在50个州中,阿拉斯加州是最大的。得克萨斯州比阿拉斯加州小,但却明显大于其余48个州。Most Americans, who went in the early days and in greatest numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of North America were from England. 大多数早期来到美国的,和最多数量在北美东海岸建立家庭的美国人来自于英国。Therefore, the language of the United States is English and its culture and customs are more like those of England than of any other country in the world.因此美国的语言是英语,而且它的文化和习俗与世界上的任何其他国家相比更像是英国的。

你看下吧 。

1.The enlightenment of humanism and the Confucian culture in China
Will metaphysical level, the Confucian culture is essentially a social order, emphasize normative ethics overall social order and interests, its theoretical origin is supreme ", "social humanity at this point, goodness and the theory of" evil is unified. Never throw one-sidedness, the Confucian ethics "interpretation of Hegel, the evaluation is relevant. "A real world knowledge of Confucius' thinking in his wise, there is nothing of philosophy, but some kind of, sophisticated, moral lessons, we can't get anything from there something special." While western freedom is essentially a "birthright, its natural order utilitarianism origin is" human nature ", Locke government concerning the harp and freedom and prosperity of the nation, the emphasis is typical for individual rights and interests of the sovereign.
Just physical level, the Confucian culture is a kind of small-scale peasant economy needs to the ideological and cultural value of Confucianism, especially "fundamentalist" is adapted to their autocratic monarchy ruled the ideology, and to the system designing non-technical, And the western liberalism is adapt to the development of capitalist production relations to construct a set of democratic politics, the market mechanism and social life of the system design, and the design for freedom, human rights and sacred property.
Guided by the and democracy, for example, civilian reflects concern, the sufferings of people's blood cries, "a gentleman" moral appeals, although China history has had the accomplishment of interest-bearing civilian-oriented policy, but it is just a royalty consolidate policy adjustment strategy, absolutely not western rights choice, it is top-down Angle. While western liberal democracy is the freedom of the first human rights to constitutionalism system, the declaration of independence and the universal declaration of human rights formal western democracy thought, it is the embodiment of the dimensions of the bottom.
Five, humanism in western China to the construction of socialist democracy
Humanistic trend in western society has achieved remarkable results, especially, democratic, civilized achievement. The current social attention to our democratic construction has positive significance.

2.Implement and improve market economy and to participate the economic globalization, the formation of democratization economic basis.
Economic globalization is the western market economy in the global scope, extension of the capitalist market economy is the economic foundation of western democracy. Market economy is the role of western democracy to cultivate a strong civil society forces, maintain and interest to the political power of the appeal against despotism, share, and the power of the bourgeoisie and the internal power sharing. Some scholars of western democracy, and according to the development of the market economy, market economy that can give to actively promote democracy, and the positive correlation, this is the relationship between the main aspects of market economy, cultivate a "natural" equal legal economy, market economy is limited by the government, and the power, intelligent, hard to survive, the dictatorship of the market economy "multiple economic structure" for western countries the two-party system or system came to lay the foundation. "A country richer, it is more likely to democracy", with the economic development, raise the level of education by living environment improvement, middle-class powerful and relatively free public opinion environment, will promote the social and political participation consciousness, strengthen self-discipline mechanism for the expansion of centralization and promote the development of democracy.

3.The western democratic constitutional authority restriction idea and thinking
The western countries in the process of the development of democracy, and gradually formed a bourgeois internal powers and restricting principle. The emphasis of power separation between the government and the west, is based on the assumption that the evilness, right of natural tendency to corrosion of the soul and the freedom to others, "power usually leads to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely," hidden by power balance, make it and a department can have all the power, "give the competent departments and other departments who invaded to boycott the legal means and individual initiative," to balance of power, to prevent abuse of power, the western democratic constitutionalism gradually formed the principle and thinking, which is the highest authority of all must limit, all power is limited. The transplant of western constitutional system simply cannot be solved the problem of the country. Combined with actual situation, seek power restriction and constitutional system forms, is our country socialist democratic construction is the important and urgent.

4.The western democratic mechanism and related institutional arrangements, perfect political system.
The western democratic politics has a comparatively perfect operation mechanism, it is in the capitalist since the perfect gradually, many of them can experiences. The modern western scholars have democratic mechanism for five aspects: a summary is participation mechanism, competition mechanism, three is balance mechanism, four is the error correction mechanism, five is legal mechanism for modern democratic politics, political mechanism, western countries good democratic mechanism and function of political party is actually, no party of operation, the operation of democracy will be paralyzed. In the development of democratic politics in China during the reference to the modern political parties and the relevant system, combining with Chinese characteristics, forming the leadership of the communist party of China's multi-party cooperation and political consultation system. The system of people's congresses, democracy and regional autonomy, and "one country, two systems" is indirect democracy republican system, the electoral system, and the outcome of the combination of China's national conditions.

The western democracy, respect the law of the spirit of tolerance of the rules of procedure and legal culture and cultivate rational, tolerance of humanistic spirit and the democratic political system


Humanism and the Enlightenment in contrast to China's Confucian culture