
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

The situation is better than (the situation) (that) I expected (is good).这个情况比我预料的情况要好。
than (the situation) (that) I expected (is good) 这是比较状语从句部分,括号中的词语就是被省去的、与主句相同的词语, the situation是从句中的主语,that I expected是定语从句,修饰the situation, 作宾语的关系代词that可以省去掉。 is 是从句中的谓语动词,good是表语, 这两个与主句相同,因此被省略。

while 的用法
1、=although,尽管的意思 While I understand that you say, I can't agree with you.
2、=as long as ,只要的意思 While you are with the police,you are safe.
3、趁着 strike while the iron is hot
4、在……期间 He made a lot of friends while he studied in france.
5、(表对比,转折)而He is doing his homework while his brother is playing games.

1. 英语把主谓宾看成主干,定状补看成枝干,对主干进行补充说明。
2. 有九大状语,最常用的有时间状语、条件状语、原因状语等。
3. 要注意的是独立结构,它是非谓语动词,当该状语的主语与主句不一致时,必须添加主语。如果一致就省略,比如Broken, he went to Sanfrancisco. (因为身无分文,他就去了旧金山)。




1)I, when I was young, could play football. 这一句的主干是(原句少了一个逗号):
I could play football.(主语 = I,谓语 could play,宾语 football)
when I was young 为状语从句(时间状语从句)提供时间

2)We, on Sunday morning, go to school.
主干:We go to school.(主语 = we,谓语 = go to,宾语 = school)
on Sunday morning 为状语(时间状语)提供时间

3)I, finishing my homework, start to watch TV. (homework 是一个单词,不是 home work)
主干:I start to watch TV.(主语 = I,谓语 = start,宾语 = to watch TV)
finishing my homework 为状语(现在分词引导的状语在句中充当时间状语)

4)I, he finishing his homework, start to watch TV.
主干:I start to watch TV.(主语 = I,谓语 = start,宾语 = to watch TV)
he finishing his homework 中的(独立主格体现在 he 和 finishing)

5)He, surprisingly, is still alive.(surprising 必须小写)
主干:He is still alive.(主语 = he,谓语 = 系动词 be,表语 = alive,still 为副词作状语修饰表语 alive)


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