
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-30
求 英文翻译。

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This congress, have more than 50 countries and scientists who attended the meeting. Meeting with pollution, population and forest protection of wild animals are discussed. Congress recommends governments positive action and take necessary measures to prevent and control pollution, population, many trees. Congress is required to protect the people all over the world, the earth and human life as permanent residents.

Translation of "the General Assembly, there are more than 50 countries and experts and scientists participated in that Conference. The General Assembly to pollution, population and forest wildlife issues for discussion. The General Assembly recommends that Governments of positive actions, take the necessary steps to prevent pollution, control population, a wide variety of trees. The Assembly also requested the people around the world to protect the Earth, the Earth as his place of permanent residence and home life. ”

The experts and scientists comes from more than fifty cuountries attended in the meeting,which discussed about the pollution and protection of human beings,forests and wild animals.In the meeting,it was suggested that the governments should take neccessary measures actively to prevent the pollution and control the population.In addition,the people all over the world were asked to protect the only earth and regard it as the eternal home for our human to live on.

There were fifty countries' experts and scientists joined the meeting . This meeting discuss the problems about pollution,population and the protection of animals.

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