汉译英 哪位好心人帮忙翻译一下十分感谢

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04


[1] Chen Chuanzhang, the Department of mathematics of Fudan University, higher education press

[2] of the Tongji University, "higher mathematics" Fifth Edition

[3]2001 Gu Meiling, the theory and method of university mathematics. Guizhou Education Press,.1995

[4] high Xianglin, development ideas of university mathematics. '' mathematical bulletin 2002 tenth

[5) Zhang Dianzhou, Song Naiqing. Introduction to Mathematics Education (M). Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006

(6) Tu Rong Bao, Wang Guangming, Ning Lianhua. A new mathematical teaching theory [M]. Shanghai: East China Normal University press, 2008

[7] Ouyang optical medium. Mathematical analysis (Part 1) [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007

[8] Liu Yulian et al. Lecture Notes in mathematics analysis (2) [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2003

有3年工作经验(fought 是说在职场奋斗3年了)

With the extensive use of cable networks, by an efficient, flexible networking, wireless networking technology for the advantage of also developing fast. Wireless LAN is a computer network and wireless communication technology combined with the product. From a professional point of view, wireless local area network using a wireless multiple access channel is an effective method to support the communication between computers, and mobile communications, personalization and multimedia applications possible. The establishment of a campus network is not our imagination can be achieved using a few switches, it is a huge and complex project, it needs to cover the entire campus, to campus computers, servers and other devices connected. Therefore, the formation of a campus network needs to consider many aspects.