
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
问题一:展厅 英语怎么说 比较大的话用exhibition hall
小一点的话用show room就可以

问题二:产品展示厅英文怎么说? 标准格式:exhibition of products.

问题三:产品展示厅英文怎么说? showroom

问题四:欢迎光临我们展厅用英语怎么说 Wele to our exhibition hall.

问题五:展览用英语用英语怎么说 展览 [zhǎn lǎn]
to put on display
to exhibit
展览:on show/view|on display|aus-liegen
展览费:Exhibition fees|exhibition expenses

问题六:展厅销售的英文怎么说 展厅销售_

问题七:展览馆用英语怎么说 exhibition building
The Study on the Evolvement of Exhibition Building's Architectural Function and Its Design Theory in Modern
Exploration research on time and space idea of four dimensional space in exhibition building

问题八:展览馆用英语怎么说 exhibition building
exhibition hall

问题九:展览用英语怎么说? put on display;exhibit;show;exhibition

问题十:展示厅用英语怎么说 展示厅
[网络] showroom; show room; Showrooms; My Showroom;
I walked over and found two sale *** en in the showroom.

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