
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

At present, college students are facing big challenge on employment. Along with the popularization of high education, the problem of college students’ employment has become a disturbing difficulty.

There are two main reasons for the low college student employment rate, the first problem is from the students, and the second one is from the society.
1) The college student is a special group of the growing process from adolescence to adulthood. Many students want to achieve in the field of their majors. But due to the present employment situation, it’s just increasing the difficulty to over-emphasize the match of major and job.
2) College students have very high expectation of their career. Most of them want to work in the developed cities.
3) Some students only prepare for success in job hunting, and they couldn’t accept any frustration.
4) Enlargement of college students recruitment caused low quality of students. In the highly competitive society, unqualified people can get nothing but elimination.
All these reasons caused the difficulty of college students’ employment.

So, the contemporary college students should learn how to self-adjust. When facing unemployment, try to adjust their own attitude, accept the reality, re-set expectation, build up reasonable career valuation, understand and accept self, calmly face frustration, bravely carve out and move from the start point.

After discussion, most students consider it wise to play music during the class intervals, because music can not only active atmosphere but also provide us with entertainment and aesthetic pleasure, thereby relaxing us and relieving fatigue. Thus, we can learn better. While other students argue that school shouldn’t play music, because the class intervals are too short to achieve the anticipated result. What is more, we need quiet, but not noise, so playing music will affect our efficiency of learning.


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