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酒店名称:青岛威斯汀酒店Hotel Name: The Westin Qingdao地址:山东省青岛市南区香港中路8号Address: 8 Hong Kong Middle Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province青岛威斯汀酒店由喜达屋酒店与度假村国际集团旗下的威斯汀酒店与度假村进行管理。 投资商为青岛中铁置业集团有限公司,开发商为青岛中金渝能置业有限公司。青岛威斯汀酒店的建筑高度为237.7米,楼高54层,地处中央商务区的最高建筑之一,可饱览城市全景。酒店的地理位置优越,毗邻城市主要旅游景点及市政府中心,酒店正门紧邻城市地铁站点(建设中), 是一座拥有高端购物商城和豪华涉外公寓为一体的时尚建筑综合体。酒店距青岛流亭国际机场约22公里,前往青岛城市地标五四广场仅需步行5分钟,奥林匹克帆船中心及博物馆也只需5分钟车程。酒店设有321间舒适的客房及套房,均配有周到贴心的设施,更有标志性的威斯汀天梦之床和威斯汀天梦之浴,犹如平静美丽的避风港湾,彻底摆脱疲惫,达到最佳状态。配有最新心肺和有氧训练器械的健身中心为健康充电,亦可享受威斯汀天梦水疗带来的舒缓、平衡和放松之感。酒店提供2,133平方米的活动和会议空间,10间独立会议室及大宴会厅,配有最先进的会议设施及无线互联网接入。酒店的知味标帜餐厅、中国元素、大堂吧以及茶吧的特色餐饮期待宾客的探索。The Westin Qingdao is invested by Qingdao Zhong Tie Group Co., Ltd, and developed by Qingdao Zhong Jin Yu Neng Real Estate Co., Ltd. It is managed by Westin Hotels & Resorts, part of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. The Westin Qingdao offers Westin signature products and instinctive service to make you feel renewed, refreshed, and helps you preserve wellness in travel.With its modern architecture of a 54-story tower and a total height of 237.7 meters, The Westin Qingdao landmark building is one of the highest in the central business district overlooking the bustling and vibrant cityscape of Qingdao. The hotel’s convenient location ensures easy access to various city attractions and Government City Hall. As part of the unique modern building complex with high-end shopping mall and luxury apartments, the hotel is strategically located near the Central Metro Station (currently under construction). It is only a short walk within the major corporate offices, the Seashore Sidewalk, various shopping malls and multiple restaurants nearby. The hotel is 22 kilometers away from Qingdao Liuting International Airport. In addition, it would only take five minutes’ walk from the hotel to the city landmark, the May Four Square. The Olympic Sailing Center and Museums are also all easily accessible within 5 five minutes’ drive from hotel.Each of the 321 inspiring guest rooms and suites are designed to let guests be at their best with Westin signature’s Heavenly Bed® and Heavenly Bath®. Guests can take a refreshing dip or a few energizing laps in the indoor heated pool. Recharge and energize body in WestinWORKOUT® Fitness Center with the latest cardio and aerobic facilities. It’s a good choice to balance senses and rejuvenate in style, at Heavenly Spa by Westin®. Hotel offers 10 individual meeting rooms and ballroom totaling 2,133 square meters with latest meeting facilities and high-speed wireless. Seasonal Tastes signature restaurant, Five Sen5es, Lobby Lounge, and Tea Bar are for guests to explore. The Westin Qingdao pay careful attention to ensure each visit leaves you exceptionally well rested, well-nourished and well cared for.

青岛威斯汀酒店 是国际知名酒店管理集团喜达屋旗下知名品牌,是国际公认的最具创新意识的酒店品牌之一,是第一个在全国开设零售商店的酒店品牌。青岛威斯汀酒店是中铁置业与喜达屋酒店集团强强联合共同打造的国际五星级酒店,酒店共有321间设计典雅的客房 青岛威斯汀酒店位于中央商务区的最高建筑之一,可远眺青岛奥林匹克帆船中心,一览城市景观。 酒店地理位置优越,毗邻主要的写字楼、众多的购物中心、风味独特的餐厅和活力四射的酒吧青岛威斯汀酒店是由世界知名酒店管理公司喜达屋酒店及度假村国际集团管理的五星级酒店,其投资商为中铁置业集团有限公司,开发商为青岛中金渝能置业有限公司。 。 。。

青岛威斯汀酒店提供不同特色的国际美食。知味标帜餐厅将亚洲和国际风味美食创新融合,并设有开放式厨房。 青岛威斯汀酒店自助餐和零点菜单均选用新鲜食材烹调,滋养体魄。中国元素餐厅提供粤菜与用传统方式烹饪的佳肴,同时设有独立包厢可供私人聚会及宴请。酒店的大堂吧则供应晚间鸡尾酒、现磨咖啡和有机现榨果汁。
The Westin Qingdao’s dining and entertainment options are for guests to explore. Seasonal Tastes signature restaurant offers and innovative combination of Asian and international cuisine with open kitchens creating an interactive dining experience. Nourish with the freshest of ingredients from buffets or a la carte menus. Chinese restaurant Five Sen5es specializes in innovative and traditional Cantonese signature dishes- prepared and presented with passion and flair. Private rooms are available. Lobby Lounge is the place to relax and elevate senses either day or night with an end-of-day cocktail or just a freshly brewed coffee or organic squeezed juice to inspire. In room dining is available 24 hours. The Westin Qingdao is proud to offer SuperFoodsRxTM among its culinary offerings, proven to nourish and replenish the body.

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