
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28



B.hello!Nice to meet you.
A.Nice to see you too.Are you a new student?
B.Yes,what about you?
A.Me too.My name is Kate and I'm from XXX.
B.I'm Rose.I am an Grade 2 student.
A.I am an Grade 2 student,too.
B.Oh,it is amazing.Which class are you in?
A.Class 1.
B.Oh,we are in the same class.And where are you from?
A.I come from Shangdong. What about you?
B.My hometown is Hubei.
A.So it is a long way from Shangdong.
B.Yes,but after all,we are classmates now.
A.You are right.And we can make friends with each other,how do you think?
B.Sure, I would love to. Are you used to life here ?
A.Not yet, but anyway, I'm quite happy here for a lot of mountains and trees here, people here are very kind, too.
B.Yes, this city is well-known as it beautiful sceneries. Oh,You have a big school bag ,are you interested in books?
A.yes, I like reading, it makes people smart and full of knowledge. Don't you think so?
B.You are right! and I also like books very much.
A.Great! What is your favourite book?
B.I like novels best.
A.So do I.May be we can shre our books.
B.That's a good idea.
A.It's 12:00, let's have dinner together.We can talk over the meal and know more about each other.
B.I couldn't agree more. Let's go.

(In the school canteen)
A.what's your favorate novel , rose?
B.oh I am crazy about Wuxia novels, the plots as well as the people in the books are so cool.
A.I can see it.but I like Hong Lou Meng best.It's known as one of the most famous novel in Chinese history.
B.You are right,many people like it or even study with this masterpeice of Cao Xueqin of Qing dynasty.
A.Right, I hope one day I can be a member of them.
B.So you should work hard on your Chinese literature, it's easy saying than doing things.
A.Yes, It's always.thanks for your encouragement. I will try my best.
B.OK, What a good weather today! why don't we go to the playground and enjoy the sunshine?
A.I like your suggestion. here we go!

A: Excuse me?
B: Yes? What can I do for you?
A: Do you know where the gymnasium is?
B: It's in front of the road. The awarding ceremony of this season's sports tournament is held there. I will go to there. You can go with me.
A: Great! I'm the champion in swimming race.
B: Really? Congratulations! My honor to meet you!
A: Thank you!
B: The weather is so nice today. The awarding ceremony can be held in the open air.
A: Yes. But according to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow And the rain will last for a long time.
B: Luckily, this season's sports tournament was concluded successfully.
A: Yes.
B: Do you see the blue building in front of the road, which looks like a plane?
A: Yes. Is it the gymnasium?
B: You're right.
A: Thank you so much.
B: You're so welcome. It's my pleasure.

A;hows it going?
B:not bad. i'm eager to visit...this summer
A:really? what a conincident! it is my home town. I was born in there and left there for education when i was a litttle kid.
B:nothing could be better. could u please tell me something about ur hometown?
A:sure.there are many nice places u can have a sight,especailly...
B:well, and u know, i like cooking, so this time i also wanna seek for some local dishes. do u have any recommendation?
A:oh, that;s ok. as for food,um...let me see.oh,yes, i got some ideas.......
B:thank u very much. i cannot wait to reach there.
A:aha,have a good time.


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