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  罗雪娟扶病夺金 罗雪娟是杭州姑娘,小学一年级时被学校体育老师选中接受蛙泳训练,罗雪娟很刻苦,一直坚持参加每年从4月至10月的训练,每天至少练2个小时,一直练到身体发抖。罗雪娟的父母给了她良好的家庭教育,引导她从小立下大志。罗雪娟没有辜负老师和父母的期望,最终成长为既庄泳、林莉、钱红、杨文意和王晓红“五朵金花”之后的中国游泳队的新领军人物,是中国游泳队在2003年世界游泳锦标赛的3金得主。在2004年雅典奥运会前,罗雪娟的身体状况一直不好,血液中先天性缺钾,从事剧烈运动容易疲劳,训练时常有缺氧的感觉,甚至会影响到心脏。然而为了祖国的荣誉,她决定再次为国参展,在雅典奥运会女子100米蛙泳决赛中,为中国游泳队夺得了阔别8年之久的奥运游泳金牌。当她再次出现在4x100米混合泳接力赛场并咬牙游完第2棒时,出现了令人揪心的一幕:直到第3棒选手快游到终点时,她仍然表情痛苦地漂浮在泳池里,最后,不得不在教练和志愿者的搀扶下离开赛场。罗雪娟的奥运会金牌含金量非常高,因此它被新华社奥运会报道团评为“雅典奥运会十大中国明星”之一。 “黑羚羊”魏玛鲁道夫 魏玛鲁道夫是一个顽强奋斗、战胜命运的美国女子田径运动员。她1940年6月23日出生在美国田纳西州一个贫苦的黑人家庭,她在刚学会走路的时候染上两次肺炎和一次猩红热之后就卧床不起了,差点丧命,4岁时又患上了小儿麻痹症,走路一瘸一拐,必须要靠支架来支撑。鲁道夫的毅力相当惊人,在家人的帮助下,她经过7年的艰苦努力,通过康复训练和家人的按摩已经恢复到可以正常走路了,11岁那年,她第一次把支架脱掉,打赤脚跟着哥哥们打篮球。后来他开始天天练习跑步,一瘸一拐的左腿居然在锻炼中得到了矫正,身体也因为参加运动而强壮。到了12岁,她已经完全摆脱支架。在1956年第16届墨尔本奥运会的时候,她出现在奥运赛场上,获得了一枚铜牌,那时她才16岁。在4年之后的1960年第17届罗马奥运会上,鲁道夫一口气夺得了100米、200米和4x100米接力3枚金牌,震惊了全世界,被人们称为“黑羚羊”,她既成为了1960年世界最佳运动员,又当选了“奥林匹克小姐”。“黑羚羊”的故事告诉我们,在这个世界上,坚定的信念和不懈的努力,能使人战胜一切困难,只要努力就有成功。 1932年第10届洛杉矶奥运会上,美国选手希莉与迪卡里卡逊分获跳高金银牌。两人在共同的训练中曾互相鼓励、互相学习,结下了深厚的友谊。在领奖台上,两人欢呼拥抱,过后将各自的奖牌对半切开,互换一半再焊接,成为金银各半的奖牌,作为友谊永恒的见证。
  Luo Xuejuan caring gold Luo Xuejuan is Hangzhou girl, first grade by school physical education teacher selected to receive training breaststroke, Luo Xuejuan very hard, always adhere to the in every year from April to October of training, practice every day at least 2 hours, has been trained to body trembling. Luo Xuejuan's parents gave her a good family education, guiding her small set ambition. Luo Xuejuan did not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, eventually grow into both Zhuang Yong, Lin Li, Qian Hong, Yang Wenyi Wang Xiaohong "five flower flower" after the Chinese swimming team's new leader, is China's swimming team in the 2003 World Aquatics Championships 3 gold medalist. In 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Luo Xuejuan's physical condition has been bad, the blood of congenital lack of potassium, engaged in strenuous exercise easily fatigue, training often have the feeling of hypoxia, and even affect the heart. However for the honor of the motherland, she decided to again for participating countries, at the Athens Olympic Games will be the final of the women's 100 meter breaststroke, for the Chinese swimming team won eight years long Olympic swimming gold medal after an absence of. When she appears again in the 4x100 meter medley relay action and teeth swim 2 stick, there has been a disturbing scene: until the third best player to swim fast to the end, she still looks painfully floating in the pool. Finally, had to coaches and volunteers helped off the court. Luo Xuejuan's Olympic gold content is very high, so it is the Xinhua News Agency reported the Olympic Games group named "one of the Athens Olympic Games ten China star". The "black antelope" Weimar Rudolf Weimar Rudolf is a struggle over the fate of American female athletes. She in June 1940, 23, was born in Tennessee to a poor black family, she just learn to walk when infected with two pneumonia and a scarlet fever after staying in bed, almost killed, 4 years old had a polio, walks with a limp, must rely on a support to support. Rudolph's perseverance is quite amazing, with the help of family, she after seven years of hard work, through the rehabilitation training and family massage has been restored to normal walk, at the age of 11, she first to stand off, barefoot along with the brothers to play basketball. Later he began to practice every day running, left leg limp actually in exercise corrected, the body also because took part in the movement and strong. At the age of 12, she was completely out of support. In 1956 when the sixteenth Olympic Games in Melbourne, she appeared in the Olympic Games, won a bronze medal, she was 16 years old. Four years later, in 1960 the 17th Rome Olympics, Rudolph breath won the 100 metres and 200 metres and the 4x100 metres relay 3 gold medals, shocked the world, known as "the Black Gazelle", she is a 1960 the best player in the world, was elected the "Olympic little sister". The "black antelope" story tells us that in this world, faith and unremitting efforts to overcome all difficulties, as long as the efforts will succeed. In 1932 the tenth session of the Losangeles Olympic Games, the American players Siri and Di Carrica Xun won the high jump gold and silver. Two people in common training has encouraged each other and learn from each other and forged a profound friendship. On the podium, two people cheered and hugged, after their medals half cut, swap half welding and become half of gold and silver medals, as a witness to the eternal friendship.




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