
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

Not only the modern health's concept does not have
disease and weak,moreover wants bodily,the mental and society's perfect
condition. The proverb said“three point treatment,seven point nursing”。The
modern nursing work besides uses the medicine to relieve the patient body
pain,but must complete psychological nursing,through provides is more
complete,comprehensive,the system for the patient and the rich person sentiment
nurse service,causes the patient psychology,the physiology and the social need
simultaneously obtains satisfies. Along with nursing scope expansion and key
emphasis in work transformation,to nurse's quality request also in change,only
then high quality's nurse can undertake the now nursing work.


Not only the modern health's concept does not have
disease and weak,moreover wants bodily,the mental and society's perfect
condition. The proverb said“three point treatment,seven point nursing”。The
modern nursing work besides uses the medicine to relieve the patient body
pain,but must complete psychological nursing,through provides is more
complete,comprehensive,the system for the patient and the rich person sentiment
nurse service,causes the patient psychology,the physiology and the social need
simultaneously obtains satisfies. Along with nursing scope expansion and key
emphasis in work transformation,to nurse's quality request also in change,only
then high quality's nurse can undertake the now nursing work.

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