
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04



3.the same改为same



你很想成功?世上只有一样东西可以在瞬息之间改变整个生活,你知道是什么吗?那就是行动,第一步,你需要做出决定,扪心自问,一年或者五年后,你希望自己今天做了什么?在这个世界上,成功的秘诀就是,行动,你不能让恐惧阻碍自己追寻梦想,你不能这么想:如果失败该怎么办,如果奋斗过程中你能相信自己,最后,成功就会来到你的身边,他一定会来的,只要你能坚持到底,不过首先你必须敢于承担风险,一旦你为某个目标开始奋斗,你就会继续下去,你将在这个过程中获得动力,你不能陷入恐惧的深渊,恐惧之类的限制都只是你的错觉,忽视他们,如果你对他充满激情,并为之奋斗,毫无疑问,你一定会出类拔萃,怎样才能让一个人在某方面成功呢?那就是全力投入、努力奋斗,在正确的方法指引下不断前进,所以坚信你一定会很卓越,怎样才能让一个人成为专业的运动员呢?成功在于将你的每一个小念头和决定都付诸实践,敢想敢做,将你的每一口呼吸都投入进来,把道路尽头的壮丽画卷看作是最美好的风景,不因任何原因而停留,这无关于才华,这无关于天赋,这只能归结于你的渴望程度,你有多么渴望提高?你对成功的欲望有多么强烈,为了追求梦想,你愿意付出什么?专业运动员,技艺最出色的一群人,他们不在乎付出的汗水,他们不在乎枯燥和无聊,他们从不休假,他们全身心地朝着目标努力,不断地完善自身技艺,因为那都是为了一个更宏大的目标,那是即时满足感提供的快乐假象所远远不能比拟的,实现你的目标才能获得纯粹的快乐,期望越高,目标越远大,感觉就越强烈,你和他们的区别在哪里?专业运动员,他们每一天都要练到精疲力竭,我来为了解释一下什么是筋疲力尽,筋疲力尽指的是,在那一刻,你是如此的痛苦,以至于不能再努力,你受伤如此之深,以至于不能再思考,达到那一刻的时候,在内心深处,你知道, 自己已经竭尽全力,完全没有再进一步的余地了,所以他们和你的区别在哪里?现在这一刻你在做什么?扪心自问,你是在接近自己的目标,还是在慢慢远离,你有没有锻炼得筋疲力尽,还是只锻炼到难受而已?你要明白,难受,并不意味着,筋疲力尽,难受意味着意志在身体之前放弃,难受,意味着拒绝再一次尝试,只有不惜以生命为代价来提高自己,你才能变得卓越,你要知道,买票看比赛,要比为比赛准备更容易,和朋友厮混,要比与台阶作伴几小时更容易,睡懒觉,要比早起来短跑100次更容易,参加派对,要比抓举深蹲更容易,坐在沙发上看着运动员训练,要比赢得奖杯更容易,不过更容易的是:回顾一生,看着自己慢慢变老,带着遗憾活下去,没能发挥自己的潜力将成为你一生的负担,从来没人说过:成功会很简单,不过我要告诉你一件事:成功一定非常值得,你是这个世界上自己命运的创造者,世上根本就没有失败这回事,你必须不断告诫自己,那不是我,这才是我,我将会一次又一次地尝试,我将会直面失败,我要告诉它,我将通过不懈的奋斗实现我的梦想,因为没有奋斗,永远不会有进步,这都取决于你有多么地渴望,你成功的欲望有多么强烈,对于成功,你是想浅尝辄止,还是孜孜以求,脚踏实地,坚持梦想,不断追求。

So first step: You just need to make the decision. Ask yourself this: A year from now, five years from now, what are you going to wish you did today? The secret to getting ahead in this world is first getting started.

You can’t let fear stand in the way of your dreams. You cannot think, “Oh, what if this doesn’t work.” If you believe enough in the process and the end result, success is going to come to you. It will. You just gotta be willing to see it through to the end. But first, you just gotta jump in the deep end. And once something goes into motion, it stays in motion. The process itself feeds the fire. You can’t be trapped by fear. Limits like fears, they’re illusions. Disregard them.

If you’re passionate about it and you go full throttle, there’s no doubt you’re gonna be good at it. Because what makes someone good at something? It’s dedication, hard work, and it’s doing it with the proper direction and methodology. So if you plug away, you’re gonna be good. But what makes someone a professional at something? It’s the concept of taking that little idea, that little decision you make, and executing to take it as far as your imagination holds, dedicating every breath in your body to that single cause. Seeing the grand picture at the end of the road to be the absolute best and not settling for any reason.

It’s not talent, it’s not innate ability, it simply comes down to how hungry you are. How hungry are you to improve? How big is your appetite for success? What are you willing to do to reach your dreams? The professionals, the best at their craft, they don’t care about the naysayers, they don’t care about the fun they’re foregoing, they don’t take days off. They are 100% set in their ways in perfecting their craft. Because it’s all for a much larger purpose than any semblance of happiness that immediate gratification provides. Reaching your goal, well that’s just pure bliss.

The higher the expectations, the larger the goal, well the feeling just magnifies. So what’s the difference between you and them? The professionals, they’re the ones who are willing to knock on the doors of complete exhaustion every single day. Now let me define exhaustion for you. Exhaustion is at that very point where it’s just so damn painful that you just can’t push anymore. That it hurts so bad that you can’t even think straight. It’s in reaching that point when deep down, you know, that you did absolutely everything in your power. That there wasn’t one more thing you could have done.

So what’s the difference between them and you? What are you doing in this present moment in time? Ask yourself this: are you moving closer to your goals? Or are you moving further away from them? Are you knocking on those doors of exhaustion? Or are you just uncomfortable? You see, being uncomfortable is not exhaustion. Being uncomfortable is your mind quitting before your body. Being uncomfortable is just saying no to trying again. Achieving greatness happens when you’re willing to do something that will kill you just to make you better.

You see, it’s easier to buy the ticket to see the game than it is to be the one to prepare for it. It’s easier to hang out with your friends than it is to hang with the stairs for an hour. It’s easier to sleep in than it is to wake up to a hundred sprints. It’s easier to go to a party than it is to go ass to the grass in squats. It’s easier to watch athletes from the couch than it is to be the one hoisting the trophy. But it’s also a lot easier to look back on your life and know you gave it your all than it is to live with regrets.

Not living up to your potential, well that weighs on your shoulders for a lifetime. No one ever said that being successful was gonna be easy. But I’ll tell you one thing, it sure as hell is worth it. You are your own maker in this world, and there is no such thing as failure. You just gotta tell it, “No, not this time. Not with me. I’m gonna try again and again and again. And I’m gonna look failure straight in the face and I’m gonna tell it that I’m willing to go through all the struggles to reach my dreams.” Because without struggle, there’s never gonna be any progress. It’s all in how bad you want it.

How big is your appetite for success? Do you just want to fight? Or are you starving out there for it? Stay empty, stay driven, stay hungry.

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