
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

I must take my leave. 我一定要离开了
I must leave for school. 我一定要离开去学校了

Let's get on with the work. 继续工作吧。
Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。

I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达
He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五分钟内到达。

You have to work. 你要工作。
I have to sleep. 我要睡觉。

I want to take a trip to Greece. 我想去希腊。
She wants to take a trip to the toilet. 她想上厕所。

1 get up
I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。
2 dress
I like my dress very much.我非常喜欢我的连衣裙。
3 shower
I have a shower after dinner every night.我每天晚饭后淋浴
4 usually
I usually go to school by school bus.我通常坐公共汽车去学校。
5 never
She never goes to school late.她从不上学迟到。
6 work
My father works in a factory.我的父亲在一家工厂工作
I live near the railway station.我住火车站附近。
8 exercise
I want to buy three exercise books.我想买三个练习本。

1.I just play a joke.
2.I wanna change my hair,I think curly hair is suitable for me.
3.This things is so heavy,but everything will pass it,don't worry.
4.Dear with this things is a little bit difficult.
5.It's so large present.
7.frica 同上.
8.You are so wise.
9.I wanna describe this things,because you are misunderstand.
10.Waiter,I wanna order.
11.I wanna say goodbye to you.
12.It is eight o'clock.
13.This is my shoes,I wanna take off it.
14.Don't run away,stop.
15.What's your study unit?

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    答:他让我们在午饭期间一直笑个不停。(动作的连续性)7.Maggie, get your husband to talk.麦琪,叫你丈夫开口。8.花费 spend expend cost expenditure expenses 例句:1.It should spend much time and energy.这将花费大量的时间和精力。2.They do not cost any money.它们并不花费你一分钱。
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