英语同意句转换1 Pease pass the book to her。2 I would like to go to the park 3 can i help you

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
please pass me the book改为同意句怎么改

please pass me the book改为同义句是please pass the book to me.


有:give, teach, buy, lend, find, hand, leave, sell, show, read, pay, make, offer, build, pass, bring, cook,refuse等。
I’ll fetch you a chair.我给你拿一只椅子。(a chair是直接宾语,you是间接宾语)
间接宾语可以用一个由to( 表示动作方向)或for (表示动作目标)引起的短语来表示。这时,间接宾语置于直接宾语之后。我们可以把上面例句改写为:
I'll fetch a chair for you.
例如:pass sth to sb = pass sb sth.
She gave me a cup of tea. 她给了我一杯茶。
She passed him the salt. =She passed the salt to him. 她把盐递给了他。
Her uncle bought her an English-Chinese dictionary yesterday. = Her uncle bought an English-Chinese dictionary for her yesterday. 昨天,她叔叔给她买了一本英汉词典。
1. 当直接宾语是人称代词(it/them),间接宾语是名词时:或两个宾语都是人称代词时。如:
The watch is Li Lei's. Please give it to him. 这块手表是李雷的。请把它给他。
2. 当强调间接宾语时。如:
Mother cooks breakfast for us every day. 母亲每天都为我们做早饭。
3. 当间接宾语比直接宾语长时。如:
On the bus, he often gives his seat to an old person. 在公共汽车上,他经常把座位让给老人。
注:由to连接间接宾语的动词有:pass, give, show, tell, lend, take等;由for连接间接宾语的动词有:buy, cook, get, sing, make等。

1.My cousin is the same age as me。 (同意句)
My cousin is ____ ____ _____me。( My cousin is as old as me. )

2.Plaese tell us what we should do next time。 (同意句)
Please tell us ____ _____ ____ next time。 (Please tell us what to do next time. )

3.Jim didn’t pass the math exam last week. (同意句)
Jim ________the math exam last week. (Jim failed the math exam last week)

4.I’d like to ask Jenny to come to my party. (同意句)
I’d like to ____ Jenny _______. (I'd like to invite Jenny to my party. )
5. Ben enjoyed himself at the party. (同意句)
Ben____ ____ ____ ____ at the party. (Ben had a great time at the party.)
6. I have never been to Australia. (一般疑问句)
_______ you _______ been to Australia? (have you never been to Australia?)
7. Sue does well in Chinese. (同意句)
Sue ______ _____ _______ Chinese. (Sue is good at Chinese.)
8. They have already checked their passports. (用第三人称改写)
He _______ already checked _____ passport. (He has already checked his passport.)
9.Tom got to London yesterday. (同意句)
Tom ______ ________ London yesterday. (Tom arrived in London yesterday. )
10.Mr. King will go to Tokyo by plane. (同意句)
Mr. King will _______ ________ Tokyo. (Mr. King will leave for Tokyo. )

1.pass sb. sth ==Pass sth. to sb.
同义句转换的答案是:Pease pass her the book.
这个是跟双宾语动词经常的转换,间接宾语(sb.)通常放在直接宾语(sth.)之前,若将间接宾语置于直接宾语之后,则要用介词to 或 for。同类词还有give,tell,ask, bring, buy, cost, fetch, give, hand, lend, pass, pay, read, return, sell, send, show, take, teach, tell, write等。

2.would like to 的意思是想要,同义词为want to, 但从语气上来说would you like to 比want to更加委婉。

答案: I want to go to the park.

3. 给予别人帮助时的固定问法。

答案是What can I do for you?


1 Please pass the book to her.
-> Please pass her the book.
或:Please give her the book.

2 I would like to go to the park.
-> I want to go to the park.
或:I am planning to go to the park.

3 can i help you?
-> What can I do for you?
或:Anything I can do for you?

1.Please pass the book to her.
=Please pass her the book.

2.I would like to go to the park.
=I want to go to the park.
=I feel like going to the park.

3.Can I help you?
=(What can I do for you?)
=Can I do you a favor?(考试用这个比较好)

pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.
would like to do sth.=want to do sth.=feel like doing sth.
help sb.=do sb. a favor

1 Please pass the book to her.
-> Please pass her the book.
或:Please give her the book.

2 I would like to go to the park.
-> I want to go to the park.
或:I am planning to go to the park.

3 can i help you?
-> What can I do for you?
或:Anything I can do for you?

Please pass her the book

I want to go to the park

what can i do for you 或者may i help you

1。please pass her the book
2.I want to (preferto)go to the park
3.what can i do for you?