circumstance和conditions有什么不同?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29


接下来让我们看下circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition的其他区别:


- circumstance:通常指特定的事件、情况或条件,包括人们所处的环境、时间、地点等因素。

- situation:更广泛地指一个特定的状况或境况,通常描述当前的情况、状态或局势。

- state:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或状况。

- environment:指周围的自然、物理或社会条件,包括身处的生态系统、工作环境等。

- condition:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或条件。


- The circumstances surrounding the crime are still unclear. (围绕着这起犯罪的情况仍不清楚。)

- The company is currently facing a difficult situation due to financial issues. (公司目前因财务问题而面临困境。)

- The state of the car after the accident was beyond repair. (事故后车辆的状态无法修复。)

- They are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for their employees. (他们致力于为员工创造一个安全和健康的环境。)

- The patient's condition has worsened over the past few days. (这位患者的状况在过去几天里恶化了。)

2. 强调程度区别:

- circumstance:强调不同因素或条件对特定情况的影响或决定作用。

- situation:强调某种状态或事件对当前情况的影响或急需应对。

- state:强调某人或某物的具体状态或状况。

- environment:强调周围环境对某人或某物的重要影响。

- condition:强调某人或某物的特定状态或状况。


- Under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to cancel the event. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能取消这个活动。)

- The current situation requires immediate attention and action. (当前形势需要立即予以关注和行动。)

- The state of the patient's health is improving slowly. (患者的健康状况正在缓慢地好转。)

- Growing up in a nurturing environment can have a positive impact on a child's development. (在一个培育环境中成长可以对孩子的发展产生积极影响。)

- The poor living conditions in the area are of great concern. (该地区恶劣的生活条件令人担忧。)

3. 时间和空间维度区别:

- circumstance:常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。

- situation:更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。

- state:更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。

- environment:主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。

- condition:更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。


- In the circumstances, we had no choice but to proceed with the plan. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能继续执行计划。)

- The current situation in the country is causing concern among the citizens. (国家目前的情况引发了公民的担忧。)

- The state of the patient's mental health has improved significantly. (患者的心理健康状况有了显著改善。)

- The tropical rainforest environment is home to a diverse range of species. (热带雨林环境是多种物种的家园。)

- The condition of the road deteriorated after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,道路的状况恶化了。)

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