
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

teaching process
Step 1
Step 2

Unit 2: What Color is it?

Beijing Publishing House English Book Three

of Class

New Lesson



Main Points





Computer software, tape recorder, video, color card, a yellow sweater and a red one, a big umbrella and two small ones, two pieces of garment and two colorful candies

Teaching Process

Time Material

Organizing the class

Listen and sing a song:

“Who is wearing yellow today?”

Warm up and attract the pupils

One minute

Tape recorder

Lead in the new class

The teacher named three pupils dressed in yellow to introduce the word “ Yellow”

To introduce the new words by songs

Study of new text

Study the words “green, black,

purple”. according to the song and

the garment the pupils wear

The teacher uses “ Is … wearing yellow/… today?”

The teacher sorts out the color cards to help the pupils to read the words

Some pupils have known the words.

Provide an opportunity of acknowledgment for all levels of pupils

A visual method to help to pupils to remember the words


Practice the four words: yellow,

green, black, purple, and study the

new word color.

Study brown, white, red, blue. (pupils teach each other)

Mutual aid and cooperation among teachers and students

Study the sentence pattern “I like the color”

The teacher sorts out his/her favorite color and puts it on his/her dress to help the pupils to understand the meaning of “I like the color.”

The pupils sort out the colors they like, saying “I like the color.”

Emphasize the word “like” by body language

The pupils overcome the difficulties by practicing

Study the sentence pattern “What color is it?” and try to use the sentence pattern

Read the words of color in the


teamwork, divide the pupils into seven sections, the pupils put the words with the corresponding color cards.

Practice the sentence pattern: “What color is it? It’s…” in the game

Group game, practice the sentence pattern “What color is it? It’s …” The whole class is divided into seven groups, the teacher provide the materials and let students to practice the sentences by feeling and touch..

Form the ability to grasp new word. Mutual aids and cooperation among pupils

Connect the words with their meanings

Active the pupils’ interest.

Teamwork and inter-group cooperation active the whole class.

Study the text

Watch the video twice

The questions after the first time:

1. How many girls are there in the dialogue?

2.What are they talking about? Focus on the word sweater.

-Is it a new sweater?

To let the pupils understand the text in a real language context., and provide some practice to improve the listening, teach the new word:

Yellow sweater


-This is Lucy’s sweater.

-I have a new sweater, too.

-What colour is my sweater? Guess! (take out the sweater)

-Red. It’s very nice.

3.What color is the sweater?

Listen the tape twice. Focus on the key words: look at, open the book at page 37, read the text aloud.

The pupils read by themselves.

The second time guided by the teacher

The third time all the class read aloud together


Let the pupils to form a good habit by practicing.


Practicing the text

To read the text by role, give flowers of different colors to the pupils, practice five to six groups..

Practice the sentence pattern “What color is it? It’s …”. Review the materials in the software, the pupils read after it..

The teacher gives three language contexts on the basis of which the pupils make dialogues.

to further the understanding of the sentence pattern: “What color is it? It’s …”

to make the pupils think creatively

Unit 2: What Color is it?

1、热身 Warming- up。2、导入 Leading-in。3、展示 Presentation。4、预习 Preview。5、复习Review。6、操练 Practice。7、练习 Exercises。8、巩固 Consolidation。9、小结 Summary。10、检测 Test。


1.warming-up    英['wɔ:mɪŋ'ʌp]    美['wɔ:mɪŋ'ʌp]    n.    准备运动,准备活动;    

2.leading-in    英['ledɪŋ'ɪn]    美['ledɪŋ'ɪn]    [词典]    导入,引入;    

3.presentation    英[ˌpreznˈteɪʃn]    美[ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]    n.    提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式;   

4.preview    英[ˈpri:vju:]    美[ˈpriˌvju]    n.    试映,预演; 预告片; 象征,预示;    vt.    预映; 预先观看; 概述; 扼要介绍;    

5.review    英[rɪˈvju:]    美[rɪˈvju]    n.    回顾; 复习; (报刊的) 评论; [法] 复审;    vt.    评论; 复习; 复查; 检验;    vi.    复习功课; 写评论;   

6.practice    英[ˈpræktɪs]    美[ˈpræktɪs]    n.    实践; 练习; 惯例; (医生或律师的) 业务;    vi.    练习; 实习; 实行; 惯常地进行;    vt.    练习; 执业; 实行,实践; 惯常地进行;    

7.exercises    英['eksəsaɪzɪz]    美['eksəsaɪzɪz]    n.    演习; 练习( exercise的名词复数 ); (弹钢琴指法等的) 训练; 使用;    v.    锻炼,训练,练习( exercise的第三人称单数 ); 锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑; 发挥(作用);   

8.consolidation    英[kənˌsɒlɪ'deɪʃən]    美[kənˌsɑlɪˈdeʃən]    n.    巩固; 合并; 联合; 变坚固; 

9.summary    英[ˈsʌməri]    美[ˈsʌməri]    n.    摘要,概要; 总结,一览;    adj.    概括的,总结的; 即刻的,立即的;  

10.test   英[test]    美[test]    n.    试验; 测验; 考验; 化验;    vt.    测验; 考验; 考查; 勘探;    vi.    受试验; 受测验; 受考验; 测得结果;    


1、Warm up热身/Review 复习

2、Leading in导入

3、 Presentation呈现

4、 Listening听力

5 、Practice 操练

6、 Reading阅读

7、 Consolidation巩固

8、 Summary总结

9、 Homework作业



1、 写课题(Topic)和课型(Lesson Type)

初中英语的主要课型有::新授课(New lesson)、巩固课(Reinforcement Lesson)、复习课(Revision 

Lesson)、语音课(Phonetic Lesson)、听力课(Listening Lesson)、听说课(Aural-Oral Lesson)、阅读

课(Reading Lesson)、语法课(Grammar Lesson)等。不同的课型应用不同的授课方式或方法,只有确


2、写教学目标(Teaching Objective)




3、写教学的重点(Main/focal Points)、难点(Difficult Points)和关键点(Key Points)




4、写教具(Teaching Tools)



5、写教学过程(Teaching Procedure)



热身Warm- up
导入 Leading-in
展示 Presentation
预习 Preview
操练 Practice
练习 Exercises
巩固 Consolidation
小结 Summary
检测 Test

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