
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-08-31

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

do you know I really like you a lot? Maybe you are not aware of my feelings for you, it has been 3 long years.
I guess its time to tell you now, forgive me for conveying my feelings through this manner.
I am leaving. We might not have a chance to meet each other again.I really can't bear to leave you. You were the person I hold dearest to my heart.
Among the three years. I have not express my true feelings because I care too much for you. I fear my feelings would be a burden to you.
I hate to depart but you deserved a better and happier life. Although this is against my will, I would be contented as long as you lead a better life than mine.
I hate to depart.....
Goodbye, my love.

do you know I really like you a lot? Maybe you are not aware of my feelings for you, it has been 3 long years. 知否我很喜欢你?三年来,你对我的感情却懵然不知。

I guess its time to tell you now, forgive me for conveying my feelings through this manner. 这是我应该告诉你的时候了,恕我以这方式向你传递我的情感。

I am leaving. We might not have a chance to meet each other again.I really can't bear to leave you. You were the person I hold dearest to my heart. 我要离开了,重逢难料。却是不忍别离你,因你是我心底最亲近的人。

Among the three years. I have not express my true feelings because I care too much for you. I fear my feelings would be a burden to you. 三年来,我不敢向你示爱,因为我太紧张你了,担心我的情意成了你的负累。

I hate to depart but you deserved a better and happier life. Although this is against my will, I would be contented as long as you lead a better life than mine. 我痛恨别离,但你应该有更快乐的生活。这纵非我所愿,但你生活得比我更好我便感欣慰。

I hate to depart..... 我痛恨别离。。。

Goodbye, my love. 再见,我的所爱。



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