
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

星期:What day is it today?
日期:What date is it today?

-What's the date today?
-12th, June.

-What's the weather today?/ How's the weather today?
-It's sunny...windy...cool...etc.

第一句是今天几号星期几。回答一般用几号和星期几回答。比如,It's Sunday the 12th.
第二句是询问今天星期几。回答:It's Sunday.
第三句是询问今天几号。回答:It's January 12th.
第四句是询问现在几点了。回答:It's twelve thirty-seven.
第五句一般没有这么提问的(因为询问日期就好了)。但是我也告诉你,意思是 这是几月?回答:It's January.
第六句同上。这是那一年?回答:It's 2014.
你说的最后一句和上面第三句相同。同义句是What date is it today?


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