
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10


CET-SET 主考在评分时使用以下标准:
a. 准确性 指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度
b. 语言范围 指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围
c. 话语的长短 指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少
d. 连贯性 指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言
e. 灵活性 指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力
f. 适切性 指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力


1. Talk about a nice experience in learning English in your middle school.
It was an oral English class and our teacher wanted us to make some short dialogues and show it, few of my classmates would like to do it. But I assemble a small team and made it a perfect show. It was quite nice experience which encouraged me to go further on my English study.

2. Desceribe your trouble in learning English.
I think we all get troubles in our foreign language study. Sometimes in pronunciation, sometimes in reading and sometimes in grammar. I think it is tense that drove me crazy. In Chinese if there is a tense we only need to do a little bit change in our dialogues. But in English, it requires conjugating. That’s something never appears in our language.

3. Your views on on-line learning.
I think on-line learning could be quite good to help us improve our English study. I mean, in an English class, we may pay too much attention on the reaction of your English teacher to see if we’re good enough at learning it, and we might get hurt if it appears in the other way. And the same thing won’t happen to on-line learning. You can learn it freely. But also, you might learn in a wrong way during your on-line study because no one is going to correct you.

4. Talk about the possible reasons for generation gap and solutions do you suggest to the problem.
I think different life phases, that what causes generation gap. We only care things right in front of our eyes while other people what to give you some suggestion because they’ve passed the same way, but we just won’t listen. I think the older people should give the younger people some spaces to do things they want even if they will make some troubles. Because no troubles, no grown up. And the younger ones should put themselves in older ones’ place, think about their feelings sometimes.

5. Describe your experience of any gap between you and your parents or grandparents.
For example, I used to be a big fan of Jay Zhou, the popular singer in China. I thought he opened a new way for Chinese pop songs. But my parents they just didn’t understand why I liked a singer who never sang his lyrics clearly. And forget about my grandparents, they didn’t even think that could be called “songs”. Anyway, I just kept his songs in my own room and pay attention not to interrupt other ones’ life. After years went by, my passion about Jay has faded away little by little. Sometimes, I can’t understand the songs listened by the teenagers nowadays, I know my gap is coming and I just let it go.

6. Describe a person who has made a difference in your life.
I think Mr. Liu, my head teacher in primary school is the one who has made a difference in my life. There is a Chinese saying goes, “An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.” And the primary school time is the morning for my life. Mr. Liu taught us a lot, not only how to study, but also how to be a good people.
7. Talk about your regrets in the relationship with your parents or friends.
I think we all did something bad to our friends. I remember while I was in primary school, one day, I forgot to take my homework and A is my best friend and also the chargehand in our team. I thought it was not big deal and she would cover me. But she didn’t. I said something really bad to her, hanged up her phone while she was explaining. And she never talked to me.

8. Suggestions on how to make a public speech.
First of all, get a full preparation about what you’re going to deliver, remember practice makes perfect. Secondly, open your mind and get ready to adjust the content according to the audience’s reaction. Last, collect your thoughts and do it!

9. on the importance of making a first good impression in an interview.
First good impression can be important especially for an interview. First of all, the interviewer could tell from the first impression if you are the right one. Secondly, if you can make a good impression, then why not?

10. Give five tips on how to make a good impression in an interview.
Firstly, be well dressed. You shouldn’t wear slippers or make a tousy hairstyle for your interview unless the circus are hiring. Secondly, make a full preparation about the company you are applying. Then you can figure out what kind of workers do they need. Thirdly, have a clear plan about your career. No one wants to hire a person who doesn’t even know what he would like to do. Fourthly, interviewer will ask some questions about you, try to answer them logically. Last, remember to have a nice attitude and make things clear about yourself.

11. If one of your friends were infected with AIDS, will you continue the relationship? Why or why not?
Sure, why not?AIDS doesn’t transmitted by friendship. To me the word “Friends” means you’ll stand by each other’s side even if the whole world abandon you. And I think she/he need more care than other ones if she/he was infected.

12. Give your suggestions to protect the human rights of AIDS infected people.
Firstly, I think we should make laws to protect their rights. And we should get more chances to let people know about AIDS.

13. Five tips of how to spread AIDS information on campus.
a. Set up AIDS information group.
b. Make campus show.
c. Write articles about AIDS information publish it on campus magazines or newspapers.
d. Organize some groups to visit AIDS patients.
f. Talk about it around your classmate.

14. Your opinions on “all work is honorable".
I think “all work is honorable” means all legitimate is honorable. Otherwise, we shouldn’t say all work, because some people living by stealing, some people living by swindle. And that’s not honorable.

15. Talk about your ideal job.
I want to be a computer game designer. Because in a game, you can do everything you image, bring other’s dream come true. I consider game designer as a dream master.

16. Suggestions on the preparations for one's dream job.
a. You need passion, always has enthusiasm to do what you want.
b. You need a clear goal, always remember what you need to do.
c. You need a blueprint to figure out the schedule.

17. If you were given a choice, would you like to own a gun? Why or why not?
No. I wouldn’t. I think only those who always feel like unsafe should have a gun. I didn’t do anything bad to others, and even if someone deed plan to hurt me, gun wouldn’t help. It only makes things worse.

18. Suppose you were the policy maker, what gun policy would you make?
I’m not sure. I think I won’t forbid everyone from owning a gun, but I’ll make strict law to people who use it. If you use guns to do something terrible, you’ll pay a lot for that.

19. Discuss how one can become more creative.
Keep an open mind, that’s the most important thing. Don’t be afraid of reality, always looking for the bright side.

20. The greatest invention in your eyes.
Electricity, that’s the greatest invention in my eyes, without it, we won’t live a colorful life as now. Mobile phone, TV, computer, cars and lights, I can’t imagine life without all those things. Electricity it makes our life better.

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