新加坡莱佛士女中  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

这,自主考试的话上rjs不太容易,毕竟是坡上最好的女中,你要过来会上中三,你可以不住校吧,着我不怎么清楚,她貌似不是boarding school,你要想毕业后升RI,那就要通过直升选拔啊,还有面试神马的。。。南洋是最好的华校女中,要英语好的话当然上rjs这种英校好一些,英语是英式,口音是有点儿重,但英语老师口音都很正,所以不用担心。。。

新加坡莱佛士女子中学 Raffles Girls' Secondary School,简称RGS。是新加坡最好的女子学校。

目前学校有在籍学生1800名,教职员工120名。进入莱佛士女中的学生,都是新加坡小学毕业会考取得优异成绩的毕业生,或在艺术体育方面有着卓越表现和潜能的女孩,而培养她们的教师,有七成以上拥有硕士和博士文凭。莱佛士女中的历史可以追溯到1878年,距今已经有127年的建校历史,她的校训是Filiae Melior Aevi(拉丁文),英文是:Daughters of a Better Age,意思是新时代的女儿。顾名思义,学生不能只是被动地扮演传统继承人的角色,而要奋发向上,成为新时代的创造者。秉承着这样的校训,莱佛士女中培养了一大批女中豪杰,从莱佛士女中毕业的学生,大都成功。


莱佛士书院与莱佛士女子中学和莱佛士初级学院(两年制的高中)拥有特殊的联系,一般被合称为“莱佛士家族”(Raffles family)。莱佛士书院与莱佛士初级学院相邻、相连,两校之间没有围墙;自2009年1月起,莱佛士书院与莱佛士初级学院合并,更名为莱佛士书院。嫁接两校的新楼正在建设中,将于2011年4月落成。三所学校也都共享教学资源与设备,女中与书院有不同的校歌、校徽和校训,但是三所学校的校友都将自己称作“Rafflesian”(莱佛士人)。

莱佛士女中——Raffles Girls' School ——RGS
Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) is an independent girls' secondary school in Singapore. RGS was recognised by the Ministry of Education in 2006 by being awarded the School Excellence Award (recognising schools with 'exemplary school processes and practices'), among other awards. [1] It has been consistently ranked as one of the top among secondary schools in Singapore in the official annual school rankings published by the Ministry of Education.

RGS offers the first four years of the Integrated Programme in the Raffles Programme, together with Raffles Institution, which allows students to proceed directly to Raffles Institution (Junior College) without taking the GCE 'O' Levels. It was also one of the first few schools to offer the Gifted Education Programme.

It is not officially affiliated with Raffles Girls' Primary School, despite having a common history.

Before Raffles Girls' School became a school in its own right it existed as a part of Raffles Institution (RI).

The department for girls was opened in the RI campus of Bras Basah Road on 4 March 1844 with 11 students, 5 day-scholars and six boarders, who were clothed, fed and instructed by the institution itself. The demand for education grew and in 1847, the school moved to RI's eastern wing, extending towards Bras Basah Road. A wall known as the 'Berlin Wall' separated the boys' and girls' buildings. In 1871, the school moved into a house, the George Family's Old Mansion at the corner of Bras Basah Road. In 1879, the school separated from RI and Miss Nelson was appointed the school's first headmistress. Together with three assistants, she ran the school which had an enrolment of 77. Since then, 1879 has been officially regarded as the year of the founding of RGS.

From 1882 onwards, English speaking boys were admitted to the lower, middle and primary classes. This was discontinued in 1927 due to the increasing demand for accommodation for girls. The Raffles Old Girls' association was formed on 7 July 1950. The school motto was introduced in 1953, with the school's first annual Speech Day held on the same year.

RGS became a government school in 1903, located at Queen Street. In 1959, the primary and secondary sections of the school were separated and the secondary section moved to Anderson Road, while the primary section remains in Queen Street. The school stopped offering 'A' level courses in 1983, and the Gifted Education Programme started in 1984. The school later moved to a holding school located at Jalan Kuala in 1988 and moved back to a new building at Anderson Road on 1 November 1992, becoming independent on 1 January 1993. In 1994, the RGS chapter was formed, to replace the Women's Rafflesian Chapter.

The curriculum when the school first started was confined to basic skills like reading, writing, needlework and cookery, as the focus of the school in the past was to equip girls with the tools to become an educated wife. The curriculum now comprises the sciences, humanities and aesthetics. All students are also required to have lessons in Philosophy, one of the notable features of the Raffles Programme. Lower Secondary students also have lessons in Speech and Drama.

Today, Raffles Girls' School has a student population of about 1,800 students (Secondary One to Secondary Four, including foreign scholars) and 170 teachers.

Prefectorial Board
The Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) Prefectorial Board, also known as RGSPB, was established in 1950.

The Bboard consists of prefects from Year 3 and 4, as well as Prefects-in-Training from Year 2. Upper secondary members of the Board wear the school tie, the school socks, a white blouse and a navy blue skirt.

Apart from the role of maintaining discipline in school, prefects also teach and lead in Rafflesian Cheers during school events and inter-school competitions. The Board also sells Rafflesian products like jackets and school badges, and loans items such as blouses, pinafores and school blazers. Prefects-in-training also hold fund-raisings on special school occasions, and various CCAs' concerts and performances. RGSPB organizes functions and assists the RGS staff in running events, frequently working with the Peer Support Board to organise such events, such as orientation for the Year 1 pupils.

[edit] Peer Support Board
The Peer Support Board (PSB) was set up in 1995 with the main aim of introducing the new Secondary 1 pupils into the new environment. The Board organizes school functions with the Prefectorial Board. Some examples of collaborative leadership between the two boards are the annual Student Leaders Investiture, Reporting Day and the Secondary 1 Orientation. Apart from organising school events, the key event for all PSLs in their leadership journey in PSB is the weekly PSL sessions. In these sessions, PSLs meet with the Secondary 1 classes they are in charge of, to share their experiences and thoughts on issues pertinent to Secondary 1s, and provide a listening ear.

As of 2005, Junior PSLs (JPSLs) were introduced in 2007. Secondary 2 students are selected through interviews and recruited into the board, giving them the chance to apply their leadership skills. Their first project would usually be the Sec1 Orientation for the next batch of students. A second intake is conducted at the end of Secondary 2. The logo of PSB is the dolphin. Dolphins are friendly creatures and travel in groups. Similarly, members of the PSB aim to be friendly and approachable, never walking alone. The motto of the PSB is “riding the waves with you”.

[edit] Student Congress
The Student Congress is a student-run board that engages the student populace in the processes of the school. Unique among schools in Singapore, RGS' Student Congress is the only one with an intra-school forum that allows discussion of school issues. As of 2009 it is no longer anonymous, a move aimed at encouraging responsible free speech, which has met with slight success. Nonetheless, Student Congress of 2010 is scaling up activities to encompass greater student participation in reviewing community practices and commenting on school events.

[edit] RGS-International Convention for Youth Leaders
The RGS-International Convention for Youth Leaders (RGS-ICYL) gathers female student leaders from local and international institutions, first organised in 2006 intended as a platform for female youth leaders with diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences, and thus gain a better understanding of how they can contribute to society as a female leader. Guest speakers from the corporate sector, politics and humanitarian groups are invited to provide a wide range of perspectives. In addition, RGS-ICYL offered opportunities for fellow youth leaders to be ambassadors of their respective countries in the context of an exchange of ideas across cultures.


To aspire, strive and dare to be active creators of a better age for all


Nurturing the high ability girl to be a leader who will realise her talents in service of nation and community


Developing fine character.
Developing Well- Being.
Nurturing the Intellect.
Firing the Imagination.



We put people first. Respect, care and trust underpin all our interactions.


We are fair-minded, take responsibility for our ideas and actions, and demonstrate integrity and moral courage in our behaviour.


We believe that conviction, commitment and drive enable us to achieve excellence in all our endeavours.


We take pride in our work, accept responsibility for our own learning and exercise discernment and open-mindedness in our interaction with others.

Mrs Julie Hoo

Lee Tzu Pheng, poet
So Million, entrepreneur, songwriter/composer, first Singaporean female Karate representative in SEA Games
Dr Amy Khor Lean Suan, Mayor of South West Community Development Council
Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of Prime Minister's Office, first female Cabinet Minister in Singapore
Denise Phua Lay Peng, People's Action Party member of Parliament
Fiona Sze Lorrain, transcultural and interdisciplinary artist (writer and musician) in France
Siow Lee Chin, violinist
Tan Pin Pin, Oscar-winning film director[2] 陈彬彬
Zhang Jingna, photographer
Kit Chan, singer
Stefanie Sun, singer 孙燕姿
Corrinne May (real name: Corrinne Foo), singer-songwriter 符美云

新加坡莱佛士女中 Raffles Girls' Secondary School,简称RGS。一般提及时都只说缩写,大概也是新加坡人的习惯。被称为新加坡最好的女子学校。



To aspire, strive and dare to be active creators of a better age for all


Nurturing the high ability girl to be a leader who will realise her talents in service of nation and community


Developing fine character.
Developing Well- Being.
Nurturing the Intellect.
Firing the Imagination.



We put people first. Respect, care and trust underpin all our interactions.


We are fair-minded, take responsibility for our ideas and actions, and demonstrate integrity and moral courage in our behaviour.


We believe that conviction, commitment and drive enable us to achieve excellence in all our endeavours.


We take pride in our work, accept responsibility for our own learning and exercise discernment and open-mindedness in our interaction with others.


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    答:莱佛士女中 20 ANDERSON ROAD SINGAPORE 259978 P : MDM TAN BEE LIAN JULIE 陈美莲 VP : MDM SHIRLEY NEO HOOD TOH 梁佛桃 VP : MS CHIN JEN FU 陈祯福 Tel: 67371845 Fax: 62353731 RGSS@MOE.EDU.SG 华侨中学:0806 T07GS0806E WestHWA CHONG INSTITUTION*^αΦ 华侨中学 661 BUKIT TIMAH...
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