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1.太明显贬义的词语要慎用,以免文章充满槽点。比如在缩小教育差距时,和smart students相对的概念可以是ordinary或者less clever,但不要一挥手就写上stupid或者awful。
形容词类:good, bad; big, huge, little; a lot of, lots of
Practicing again and again is a good approach to study English. (a feasible and effective approach)
Students, however, hold that forbidding love among college students is not good/ bad. (puppy love/ calf love)
(imprudent不明智的/ impolitic不审慎的/ unadvisable不审慎的/ unwise不明智的/ not sensible [insensible 不是sensible的反义词,意思是:unconscious/ unaware/ unable to have feelings/ to small to be noticed ]/ hasty草率的轻率的/ rash/ counterproductive产生负效果的 )
The good and bad sides of a nuclear family are just the opposites of an extensive family.
(advantages and disadvantages, merits and demerits, benefits and drawbacks, pros and cons, positive effects/ impacts/ influences/ aspects and negative/ adverse/ unfavorable effects/ impacts/ influences/ aspects, side effects, baneful influence, )
Another effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits.
(harmful/ damaging/ baneful/ detrimental/ deleterious/ injurious/ disadvantageous/ unfavorable )
Those people who strongly oppose the practice of not prohibiting smoking completely argue that smoking is bad to health.
(harmful/ damaging/ baneful/ detrimental/ deleterious/ injurious/ disadvantageous/ unfavorable / unhealthy/ unwholesome )
Nowadays, a big number of/ a lot of/ lots of students prefer to further their study overseas.
(a large number of/ numerous/ many)
There is huge generation gap between senior citizens and their younger generations.
(large/ tremendous/ overwhelming/ considerable/ prodigious庞大的,巨大的,惊人的)
Beef and buffalo production experienced a little change from 1950 to the next 40 years.
(small/ slight/ marginal/ minor/ negligible )
Raising/ rearing pets brings us a lot of pleasure and amusement.
(plenty/ abundant/ a great deal of)需雅思最新备考资料可SOU雅思带路喵网站。

1. I think/believe
不单单是在口语中,很多人在写作中都会出现这种表达,其实在写作中,不能出现“我觉得,我认为”这些带有强主观性的表达,在雅思写作中,如果是议论性的论文,你就需要提供合理的论述理由和证据,来支持你的观点。所以慎用“I think/believe”
2. So/very/ basically/ totally/essentially/really + adj / adv
1) 累赘:It is essentially very hot in Hangzhou now.
2) 累赘:Travelling is so good.
3) 累赘:Doing this job is really hard for me.
1) 推荐:It is scorching in Hangzhou now.
2) 推荐:Travelling is wonderful.
3) 推荐:Doing this job is difficult for me.
Ø Very good ,你可以用:
1) top-notch ['tɑp'nɑtʃ]
adj. 最高质量的;第一流的 n. 最高度
2) splendid英 ['splendɪd] 美 ['splɛndɪd]
adj. 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的
3) terrific 英 [tə'rɪfɪk] 美 [tə'rɪfɪk]
adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的
4) excellent
5) magnificent
6) fabulous 英 ['fæbjʊləs] 美 ['fæbjələs]
adj. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的Very bad
7) outstanding
Ø very bad
1) horrible
2) terrible
3) outrageous英 [aʊt'reɪdʒəs] 美 [aʊt'redʒəs]
adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的
4) distressing
5) awful
Ø Very delicious
1) Appetizing英 美 ['æpə'taɪzɪŋ]
adj. 开胃的;促进食欲的
2) Delectable英 [dɪ'lektəb(ə)l] 美 [dɪ'lɛktəbl]
adj. 美味的;令人愉快的
3) Flavorful英 ['fleɪvəfʊl] 美 ['flevɚfəl]
adj. 可口的(等于flavourful);充满…味道的;有香味的
4) scrumptious 英 ['skrʌm(p)ʃəs] 美 ['skrʌmpʃəs]
adj. 美味的;绝妙的,极好的
5) enjoyable
6) palatable英 ['pælətəb(ə)l] 美 ['pælətəbl]
adj. 美味的,可口的;愉快
3. lots of / Many/few/ a lot of...
1) 累赘:I went to the museum a few times last year.
2) 推荐:I went to the museum two times last year.
4. Each andevery 每一…
累赘: Each andevery time we see something new, we wish todocument it in some form or another.
5. pasthistory/past experience
累赘: Accordingto my past experience,we need to be more brave and carm down when faced with challenging decisions.
6. Personal opinion 个人观点
累赘: It is my personal opinion that winter is the best season.
7. For all intents and purposes 总而言之
这个表达看似高大上,实则鸡肋,应该去掉,直接总结观点更简洁,基本不会又外国人用这样的表达在他们的report或是paper中,但是也不能用in a word,其实这里有个陷阱就是,有些阅卷的考官,较起真来,就会有这样的评断,你真有本事,你就真用一个单词来总结呀。所以大家真的要总结的话,其实in all就够了。
8. firstly, secondly, thirdly
推荐:To begin/start with, in addition,additionally, as well as, most importantly,last but not least. For one…, for another…等
9. Everything has two sides/every coin has two sides
10. There is survey……
11. Nowadays
12. No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly
13. Perhaps/maybe

形容词类:good, bad; big, huge, little; a lot of, lots of
① Practicing again and again is a good approach to study English. (a feasible and effective approach)
② Students, however, hold that forbidding love among college students is not good/ bad. (puppy love/ calf love)
(imprudent不明智的/ impolitic不审慎的/ unadvisable不审慎的/ unwise不明智的/ not sensible [insensible 不是sensible的反义词,意思是:unconscious/ unaware/ unable to have feelings/ to small to be noticed ]/ hasty草率的轻率的/ rash/ counterproductive产生负效果的 )
③ The good and bad sides of a nuclear family are just the opposites of an extensive family.
(advantages and disadvantages, merits and demerits, benefits and drawbacks, pros and cons, positive effects/ impacts/ influences/ aspects and negative/ adverse/ unfavorable effects/ impacts/ influences/ aspects, side effects, baneful influence, )
④ Another effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits.
(harmful/ damaging/ baneful/ detrimental/ deleterious/ injurious/ disadvantageous/ unfavorable )
⑤Those people who strongly oppose the practice of not prohibiting smoking completely argue that smoking is bad to health.
(harmful/ damaging/ baneful/ detrimental/ deleterious/ injurious/ disadvantageous/ unfavorable / unhealthy/ unwholesome )
⑥ Nowadays, a big number of/ a lot of/ lots of students prefer to further their study overseas.
(a large number of/ numerous/ many)
⑦ There is huge generation gap between senior citizens and their younger generations.
(large/ tremendous/ overwhelming/ considerable/ prodigious庞大的,巨大的,惊人的)
⑧ Beef and buffalo production experienced a little change from 1950 to the next 40 years.
(small/ slight/ marginal/ minor/ negligible )
⑨ Raising/ rearing pets brings us a lot of pleasure and amusement.

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