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1、Harry Potter
Protagonist, is a thin, black-haired youth wearing glasses on his forehead with a lightning-shaped scar, just as suddenly a short time overstating the children who, like flavor is not good. He is a Magic School fifth-grade students, but also a man of Hogwarts. Since Voldemort after the resurrection, the scar on his forehead to his burning often endless.(哈利·波特,主角,是个瘦弱、戴眼镜的黑发少年,额头上有一个闪电形的伤痕,就像那些短时间内猛然拔高的孩子一样气色不大好。他是魔法学校五年级的学生,也是霍格沃茨的风云人物。自从伏地魔复活之后,额头上的疤就常常令他灼痛不已。)2、Ron Weasley Harry in the wizarding schools to meet friends, is derived from an ancient magic family's son.(罗恩,哈利在魔法学校结交的好友,是来自古老的魔法家族的儿子。)3、Hermione Granger
Magic school's top students, and Harry, Ron is a school of the trio.(赫敏,魔法学校里的高材生,和哈利、罗恩是学校里的三人组。)4、Luna Lovegood
Hogwarts Ravenclaw students, the father is "singing a different tune to sing" magazine editor. She has a waist messy and dirty blond hair, very pale eyebrows, eyes bulging, looks like she is always in shock state, it is clear exudes a kind of eccentric temperament. (卢娜�6�4洛夫古德,霍格沃茨魔法学校拉文克劳学院的学生,父亲是《唱唱反调》杂志的编辑。她有一头凌乱而肮脏的及腰金发,眉毛很淡,眼珠凸出,让她看起来好像始终处於惊吓状态,很明显的散发出一种怪里怪气的气质。)5、Professor Severus Snape
A member of the Order of the Phoenix, a professor at the Hogwarts magic school magic medicine, very disgusted Harry. Death Eaters on the arm of the mark, but I do not know what Dumbledore trust him very much.(斯内普教授,凤凰社的成员之一,在霍格沃茨魔法学校教授魔药学,非常厌恶哈利。手臂上有食死徒的标记,但不知为了什么,邓不利多非常信任他。)6、Albus Dumbledore
Hogwarts School. Everyone agrees that he is the greatest of contemporary shaman, wearing half-moon glasses, silver-white beard long enough to be into the belt inside, is very respected elderly .(阿布思·邓不利多,霍格沃茨魔法学校的校长。众人公认他是当代最伟大的巫师,戴著半月形的眼镜,银白色的胡须长到可以塞进腰带里,是令人敬仰的长者。)


Ghost: Nick

College logos, namely: the lion animal

Gryffindor Castle Entrance portrait: the fat lady / Sir Cadogan

College founder Derek Gryffindor: GE

Admissions criteria: brave, to forget about one's own. Fearless, a favorite adventure.

Gryffindor dormitory in the tower, and the earth and sky, Gryffindor Gryffindor's name is derived from the French gryffin d ' or, meaning Golden Grand Fen ( Griffin ). Grand Haven is in the Greek mythology a half lion half Eagle biological, Christian subsequently used it as a symbol of Jesus, because it represents the earth ( lion ) and the sky ( Eagle ) control.


Color: yellow and black

Dean: Sproat Professor

College logos: Badger

Founder: Hull and Hufflepuff

Ghost: fat friar

Selection of students: industrious and honest

University Spirit: integrity, loyalty, honesty, and not that hard

Color basically belongs to the color of mud, the badger is burrowing rodents, in active riparian Tamarix this fairy tale, have created an honest, loyal badger image, and Rowling in childhood on the book love. Badge, covering the Hufflepuff people like badgers as integrity, loyalty.

Hufflepuff's dormitory to house elves kitchen aisle, a house-elf in the kitchen in the basement, with hints of soil. The badger, is also a kind of living in a burrow in the biological, but also their Dean is under Prout Professor, botany and soil about.


Created by: Rowena Ravenclaw,

Color: blue and bronze

Dean: Prof. Flitwick

Ghost: TheGreyLady

Dean: Prof. Flitwick

Entrance: Knight portrait

College logos: Eagle

Purpose: wisdom, Justice Institute, smart, clever, wise, far-seeing, curiosity is very strong also, like studying.

The eagle, the blue sky, is a symbol of the wind. The school is characterized by the smart, wise the Sorting Hat evaluation is" if you smart minds, perhaps into intelligent old Lavin Lauck, the wise man, always there to meet their fellow".

Ravenclaw think" we teach students, their intelligence must regard oneself head and shoulders above others." Ravenclaw representative of wind, and the school representative animal eagle is a symbol of the wind. Rowena Ravenclaw, teach a lot of excellent students, Dean Professor Flitwick is one of them.

" Ravenclaw " is the literal translation of" the Raven 's claw" or" crow paw", in the name of the implicit meaning was " rapacious predators", and the school logo is an eagle.

Ravenclaw quarters in the astronomy tower, this would suggest a Ravenclaw and day relationships, eagle is a symbol of heaven.


Created by: Salazar Slytherin

Color: green, silver

Representative animal: Snake

Admissions criteria: smart Slytherin, from the marsh, and eager to power his most like those of pure blood, ambitious young.

Enrollment: students with the Sorting Hat, which dictates the.

Purpose: the noble college, power, ambition, and sincerely

College tradition: students must have pure blood

Ghost: the bloody Baron

Green and silver are the snake's color, give a person a wet sensation, and Malfoy and his father 's hair is all white.

Slytherin's dormitory at the bottom of the lake, and a basilisk in the girls' room escape channel, in line with the water hint.

哈利,赫敏,罗恩 Harry potter is the main character and hero of the movies. He is very smart and brave. He is adopted by his uncle and aunt because his parents were killed by vodemort when he was just a baby.

Hermione is the female main character in the movies. Although her parents are muggles, which are normal human beings without magic powers, she is very skilled at magic. Compared to the other characters the movies, she is very smart and logical.

Vodemort is the ultimate bad guy in the movies. He is pure evil and bizarre looking. He also has a funny looking nose.

Harry potter is a series of movies about a young boy called Harry potter and how he takes revenge on his enemy, vodemort. In the beginning of the story, Harry potter is introduced to a new school full of wizards. Then, Harry potter begins to make new friends. As he slowly charms his ways through, he learns secrets about his family's past, and tries to defeat vodemort

Harry potter is the main character and hero of the movies. He is very smart and brave. He is adopted by his uncle and aunt because his parents were killed by vodemort when he was just a baby.

Hermione is the female main character in the movies. Although her parents are muggles, which are normal human beings without magic powers, she is very skilled at magic. Compared to the other characters the movies, she is very smart and logical.

Vodemort is the ultimate bad guy in the movies. He is pure evil and bizarre looking. He also has a funny looking nose.

Harry potter is a series of movies about a young boy called Harry potter and how he takes revenge on his enemy, vodemort. In the beginning of the story, Harry potter is introduced to a new school full of wizards. Then, Harry potter begins to make new friends. As he slowly charms his ways through, he learns secrets about his family's past, and tries to defeat vodemort.



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