
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-09-10


---She ate three apples yesterday.

---He always got up very early when he was young.



---She was a student two years ago.
(这件事情已经过去了,所以be动词is要用 过去式:was)

---They were students two years ago.
(这件事情已经过去了,所以be动词are要用 过去式:were)

---She ate three apples yesterday.
(这件事情已经过去了,所以动词eat要用 过去式:ate)

---I did my homework promptly.
(这件事情已经过去了,所以动词do要用 过去式:did)
(do homework 做作业)


---The picture was painted two years ago.

肯定句: 主语+be动词(was,were)+其他
---She was a student two years ago.

否定句: 主语+be not(was not, were not)+其他
---She was not a student two years ago.

疑问句: Be动词(Was/Were)+主语+其他
---Was she a student two years ago?

肯定句: 主语+动词的过去式+其他
---She ate three apples yesterday.

否定句: 主语+did not+动词原型+其他
---She did not eat three apples yesterday.

疑问句: Did+主语+动词原型+其他
---Did she eat three apples yesterday?

wasn't 是 was not 的缩写.
weren't 是 were not 的缩写.
didn't 是did not 的缩写.

yesterday昨天,two days ago,three days ago(两年前,三年前)等等.
long ago很久以前
last + week(year, night, month…)上一周,去年,昨晚,上个月等等.
in 1989,in 2008等等.
a moment ago 刚才,just now 刚才.
when he was young 当他年轻的时候.


Seeing is believing.
Laying eggs is the ant queen’s full-time job.
It is no use arguing with him.

Her job is teaching.

He is fond of playing football.
I like swimming.

He has a reading room.


abroad [əˈbrɔ:d] both at home and abroad 国内外
apple [ˈæpəl] apple orchard.苹果园
animal ['æniməl] vertebrate animal.脊椎动物。 wild animal 野生动物

ice [ais] ice-cream 冰欺凌
idea [ai'diə]A bad idea一个坏主意

economic [ˌi:kə'nɔmik]economic disaster经济灾难
obey [ə'bei] obey the rules遵守规定
order ['ɔ:də] In order to 为了
unable ['ʌn'eibl] was unable to 没有能力做某事
university [ˌju:niˈvə:siti] typical university 典型的大学
unite [ju(:)'nait] USA

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