
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27


1. Tom is very speedy of get up, finish eating a breakfast post - to stand to by the roadside wait for traveling the connecting of car to send.Led a short while, the tour car came, Tom and the classmates together happy that the earth traveled.
Mary is reading in the library, side have two kids in the clamoring of horselaugh, hence Mary makes them don't want noise and lets them pipes down to read.
Other classmates at write operative of time, Tom after running to last leg-pull in the platform, being as a result seen by the teacher, scolding Tom, Tom doesn't dare pull a prank, but quiet writing industry.
The Tom school holds a volleyball game today.After game begins, the Tom very aggressive earth bounces ball and carelessly hits a prinipal as a result, hence the game stopped.

译文 :

1. His daughter's wedding have mixed feelings.

2. See so much blood on the floor is very horrible experience.

3. I have influenced by my English teacher to become an interpreter.

4. His explanation sounds reasonable.

5. Please put pesticides on children less than that place.

6. Long walk to his appetite strong.

7. This book contains all you need information.

8. This information comes from reliable sources.

9. Due to variety reasons, he left this position

10. Vegetable prices vary with the seasons vary.

11. Equally, they share the work. (Equally)

12. As a whole, I support the project. (Whole)

13. Risking their lives, that he jumped into the river to save a drowning child.

14. We have been warned not in such bad weather, climbers.

(纯人工翻译 部分单词用了它的其它形式)

1.His daughter's wedding mixed him with hundreds of feelings.
2.It is a horrible experience to see much blood on the floor.
3.I was influenced by my English teacher that I want to become an interpreter.
4.His explanation sounds reasonable.
5.Please put the pesticide beyond children's reach.
6.Long time walking made him a good appetite.
7. This book contains all information you need.
8. This news comes from a reliable source.
9. He left his position due to reasons of variety.
10. The price of vegetable varies with season.
11. They do the job equally.
12. On the whole, I am for this project.
13. At the risk of his life, he jumped into the river to save the drown child.
14. We are warned not to climb the mountain in such a bad weather.

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