
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30
请各位给点评打分 雅思作文


首先论题这句话是说,像世界杯这样的国际体育赛事是非常重要的缓解国际关系紧张和释放爱国情绪的安全的方式。这句话里“are essential in”是说明“对...非常重要”的意思,你在整篇文章里都把它和easing international tensions 连在一起了。 另外,“their country’s honor”应为“their countries' honor”,这类错误不少。



agree or disagree 这种题型,第一段表明论点,后面有大概三段举例论证,第四段总结。最好有实例,爱国情绪可以写北京奥运自己的感受之类的。


第一段抄的不错 第二段开始就露底了 你的语法很差 而且虽然你知道用survey 但根本不理解survey的本质

你模仿的空有其表 也就6分吧

In this day =>In these days. 指的是最近,不是今天
a increasing significant=》an increasingly significant 注意两个形容词不能连用

6-6.5 个人感觉拼写有错误

In these day ,the advertisement is providing an increasing significant reference in people's decision making.Some people assert that people have lost themselves and became more and more similar due to the advertisement .I agree with it (to some extent)
It goes without saying that people would rather chose the goods they have heard about before than something totally new.For this reason ,the products which are advertised can get much more users than others (unless the product is much worse than the description in advertusement.:what do you want to express here??)For instance ,iphone ,which can be found every streets and offices ,is no doubt that have a successful publicity system.
In addition ,the advertisement can transform our standards of aesthetics and guide the fashion style . When a company encourages the public to buy its product ,it may try it best to define their goods as "stunning" and "gorgeous".People adopt this product,in the meanwhile they adopt a new standard of beauty and change themselves to the appearance advertisement provides then they get similar.(????)
It is worth mentioning that while some benefits are brought to sellers from this phenomenon,a number of negative influences ,however , appear(???).Firstly,the diversity of society may be weakened.Moreover ,with the growing consumption ,the price of this product may have an unreasonable enhancement.
In short,people truely get similar because of the ever-accelerated advertisement market,but whether it is a good deed or a curse depends on what attitude people adopt toward it.


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