
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

during the summer vacation ; during the summer holiday
1、Even during the summer vacation 即使在暑假
2、movies during the summer vacation 电影暑期档
3、 During the summer vacation ; In the summer ; In this summer holiday在这个暑假期间
If over the course of an entire year you read one novel a month, I'd guess that you could probablyfit in one extra as well (perhaps during the summer holidays).
The heat-island effect, as it's known, could be reduced by as much as two degrees during the summer if enough paved yards turn grassy.
The story takes place during summer vacation: Some of McDull`s classmates go off to New Zealand to a ski resort, some study Mandarin at Peking University, and others travel to Oxford to study English.

during summer vacation ; in summer holidays
1、还在放暑假 Still summer vacation ; Also in summer holiday ; Also in the summer vacation
2、我在做暑假作业 I am doing vacation homework ; I was doing summer work
3、在暑假期间 during the summer holidays ; over the summer holiday ; during the summer vacation ; in the summer vacation
The students love camping out in summer holidays.
At the end of that summer vacation, I found I became nearly as fluent as a native Englishspeaker.
3、她在暑假所做的… “我参加了一个艺术史的课程—我认为我将成为一个更有一些教养的人。
What she did on her summer vacation... "I took an art history class — I thought I'd become a littlemore cultured.


Summer and winter vacation

the summer vacation

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