
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28
以身居作 翻译(原文如下)急急急!!!




Birds can sign freely, because of the thick woods

I can live happily, because of the care from my kinship

Kinship is like a sweet song

Father is the staff and I am the fluctuating notes, which always stay in his arms

My father is an ordinary Chinese, living a ordinary life

He doesn’t have the convincible speech craft like a lecturer, but I always convinced by his life philosophy

He doesn’t have the noble character and connotation like the saints and the solon, but he can describe his life vividly without regret; he can tell deep meaning principles to me straightforward and train me into a fearless, self-giving, tough and kind person

My father has no magnificent sentiment or earthshaking career, however, in my heart, he is always a very tall tree, always sustaining my life and spirit.

Birds can sign freely, because of the thick woods
I can live happily, because of the care from my kinship Kinship is like a sweet song Father is the staff and I am the fluctuating notes, which always stay in his arms.My father is an ordinary Chinese, living a ordinary life .He doesn’t have the convincible speech craft like a lecturer, but I always convinced by his life philosophy .
He doesn’t have the noble character and connotation like the saints and the solon, but he can describe his life vividly without regret; he can tell deep meaning principles to me straightforward and train me into a fearless, self-giving, tough and kind person
My father has no magnificent sentiment or earthshaking career, however, in my heart, he is always a very tall tree, always sustaining my life and spirit.


Birds can sign freely, because of the thick woods
I can live happily, because of the care from my kinship Kinship is like a sweet song Father is the staff and I am the fluctuating notes, which always stay in his arms.My father is an ordinary Chinese, living a ordinary life .He doesn’t have the convincible speech craft like a lecturer, but I always convinced by his life philosophy .
He doesn’t have the noble character and connotation like the saints and the solon, but he can describe his life vividly without regret; he can tell deep meaning principles to me straightforward and train me into a fearless, self-giving, tough and kind person
My father has no magnificent sentiment or earthshaking career, however, in my heart, he is always a very tall tree, always sustaining my life and spirit.

Singing birds tactfully, that because of the dense forests of Nongyin

My life sweet, because I have nurtured Chikakiyo

Affection like a warm song

His father is Wuxianpu which I note that the non-stop dancing, always in his arms

My father is an ordinary Chinese people, the lives of ordinary people lived

He did not speech-it is the eloquence wins, but he managed to speak to me in life philosophy, let us convinced,

He did not saints, the supreme wisdom that the character and content, but it can be interpreted in their own life-earth, without complaint or regret, he can be the deep popular reason I stated, I am an extraordinary education fearless, selfless , a strong, well -

My father did not lofty sentiments and the cause has not earthshaking, but in my mind, the father is always a towering trees, I always life and spiritual pillar

Singing birds tactfully, that because of the dense forests of Nongyin

My life sweet, because I have nurtured Chikakiyo

Affection like a warm song

His father is Wuxianpu which I note that the non-stop dancing, always in his arms

My father is an ordinary Chinese people, the lives of ordinary people lived

He did not speech-it is the eloquence wins, but he managed to speak to me in life philosophy, let us convinced,

He did not saints, the supreme wisdom that the character and content, but it can be interpreted in their own life-earth, without complaint or regret, he can be the deep popular reason I stated, I am an extraordinary education fearless, selfless , a strong, well -

My father did not lofty sentiments and the cause has not earthshaking, but in my mind, the father is always a towering trees, I always life and spiritual pillar

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