
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
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Extrusion machines made in production is the most widely used type of equipment, since the 19th century one since the advent fast development. Extrusion machine widely used in the work, so that in the sectors of the national economy has been widely used, and the hydraulic system and extrusion machine structure has more mature.


The overall performance extrusion of hydraulic system depends on the machine, hydraulic system is the nature of the extruder, only decided by hydraulic system to produce larger extrusion pressure and do not break working stability, more perfect to achieve the design requirements. Design of high pressure, high flow rate should use the cartridge elements, the key components, so try to simplify imported hydraulic circuits, such ability can obtain reliable operation and maintenance performance.


This design is mainly aimed at squeezing machine hydraulic systems of mechanism design main cylinder, main task is to design hydraulic principle diagram control hydraulic cylinder work. Main cylinder, is the core component of the extruder. System in the Lord by high-pressure liquid role in realizing fortress produce extrusion pressure columns work demands. Papers will detail main cylinder structure and other ancillary components design selection.


This design based on the system design requirements, through repeated the plan adjustment of system is determined by calculating the main parameters, and choose seriously system components. This is designed using hydraulic system meet the job requirements and eventually with stable and reliable, the structure is simple characteristics

The darkness ended on June 12, 2015, thus begins a new life on June 13, 2015.
From now on, I will keep in mind to have my feet on the groud and to do what I'm capable to do, say what I'm able to do.
I promise I will be a new XX. Wish all those who care about me have a wonderful life.

The International Council of Nurses’ definition of a nurse is: an individual, who has completed the basic course of nursing education and shall be authoritative in the field of nursing practice after passing a conformity assessment.

我国《护士条例》总则“第二条 本条例所称护士,是指经执业注册取得护士执业证书,依照本条例规定从事护理活动,履行保护生命、减轻痛苦、增进健康职责的卫生技术人员。”
Article II of the general rules of “Nursing Ordinance” in China states: “A nurse referred to by this ordinance is a health technician, who have obtained professional certificate of nursing after registration, and is engaged in nursing practice to perform the duties of protecting lives, alleviating sufferings and promoting health.”

The two definitions of a nurse mentioned above are based on the criteria of having received professional education or obtained a professional nursing qualification, rather than distinguished by the scope of involving in nursing practices. In that case, should those care attendants, who have not received professional educations, be exempted from the domain of nursing activities, such as nursing workers, medical orderlies and maternity matrons?


The international nursing association defines that nursing means a person who has finished basic nursing courses,and has been qualified and is authoratitive in the nursing field.
The second rule of th general rules of the "nurse provisions" states that the nurses mentioned in this rule refer to those technical personnel who underwent registration of practice and got the certificate of practice in the field,and devote them to nursing activity,protecting lives,allieviating pain and promoting health.
The above two definations are based on whether having been professionally educated or having got the certificate of nursing,not based on the practice scope of the nursing activity.Then should those who are not professionally educated personnel be ruled out of the scope of nursing activity?e.g.nursing assistant,medical orderly and confinement nurse.

Under the definition of International Council of Nurses, a nurse refers to a person who completed a basic tutorial of nursing education and is authoritative in the field of nursing after assessment of qualified.
In the article II , general principles , Nurses Ordinance of China, a nurse of the ordinance refers to a health technician who has obtained professional certificate of nursing by the practice registration , engages in nursing according to the ordinance and fulfills the responsibilities of protecting life , relieving suffering and improving health
The two definitions of nurses on above is defined by the standard that has whether received professional education or obtained the professional qualification of nurses or not. It is not divided by the areas of being engaged in nursing practice. So is personnel who hasn’t received professional education excluded from the areas of nursing?For example, nurses, paramedics and confinement nurses

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