
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

  下面是我整理的幼儿英语 顺口溜 ,欢迎小朋友过来阅读。



  Good, better, best,

  never let it rest,

  till good is better,

  and better is best.


  I shall not see the shadows,

  I shall not feel the rain,

  I shall not hear the nightingale

  Sing on as if in pain,

  And dreaming through the twilight,

  That doth not rise nor set,

  Happy I may remember,

  And Haply I may forget.


  Evening red and morning gray,

  Send the traveler on his way,

  Evening gray and morning red,

  Bring the rain upon his head.


  what is pink?

  A rose is pink,

  By the fountain’s brink,

  What is blue? The sky is blue.

  Where the clouds float through,

  What is yellow? Pears are yellow,

  Rich,ripe and mellow.

  What is green? The grass is green,

  With small flowers among,

  What is orange? Why, An orange,

  Just an orange.


  The moon is in the sky,

  It is far and high,

  Let’s go to the moon,

  Let’s ride a rocket and fly.


  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

  how I wonder what you are,

  Up above the world so high,

  Like a diamond in the sky.


  Spring is gay with flower and song;

  Summer is hot and leave cold alone,

  Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,

  Winter snows and brings new year too.


  There was a lady from Rica,

  who rode with a smile on a tiger,

  they returned from a ride,

  with a lady inside,

  and the smile on the face of the tiger.


  In winter I got up at night,

  And dress by yellow candle light,

  In summer quite the other way,

  I have to go to bed by day.


  One, two, three, four,

  mary at the cottage door,

  Five, six, seven, eight,

  Eating cherries off a plate.


  There was a young man from Leeds,

  Who swallowed a packet of seeds.

  Within just an hour,

  His nose was a flower,

  And his head was a riot of weeds.


  I like honey all my life,

  I paste them on my knife,

  They are always very stiff,

  It is hard to take them off.


  There was a young man from Quebec,

  who wrapped both his legs round his neck,

  But then he forgot

  How to undo the knot,

  And now he is an absolute wreak!


  Peter, peter, pumpkin-eater,

  had a wife and failed to keep her

  put her into a pumpkin shell

  There he kept her very well!


  The fair breeze blew,

  the white foam flew;

  the furrow followed free,

  we were the first to burst―

  into the silent sea.


  She stood at the bridge at the midnight,

  her lips were all aquiver;

  she gave a cough, her leg felloff,

  and floated down the river!


  Jack and Jill went up the hill,

  to fetch a pail of water.

  Jack fell down and broke his crown,

  And jill came tumbling after.


  Under the greenwood tree

  who loves to lie with me,

  and tune his merry note unto

  the sweet bird’s throat,

  come hitcher, come hitcher,

  come hitcher, here shall he see

  no enemy

  but winter and rough weather.


  When the wind is in the East

  It’s good neither for man nor beast;

  When the wind is in the North

  The skillful fisher goes not forth;

  When the wind is in the south

  It blows the bait in the fish’s mouth;

  When the wind is in the west

  Then it’s in its very best.


  One potato, two potato, three potato, four,

  Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.

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