海洋动物的英文介绍 急~~快呀

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帮我找一篇电影《海洋》的英文简介,谢谢~ 越快越好

"The sea" focused on three fourths of the earth's surface is covered with "blue territory". The French director Jacques bei han and Jacques g LuZuoDe will explore this deep and rich mysterious world, complete present the magnificence of the vast ocean. Real animal world than the story of cartoon adventure to the wonderful, the next on the screen--giant jellyfish group, the right whale, the great white shark, penguin...... None miserly in front of the cameras to show their exuberant vitality, breathtaking.
"One day, a boy looking at the sea, ask me: it was the sea? The ocean??? What???" This is the first film language. "The sea" torture of human influence by the traces of the life. This is not a the expansion, but a documentary film, is a fact. The entire movie no human perspective, no comments, just let the lens to speak. Jacques bei han and Jacques g LuZuo (Jacques Cluzaud) hope that through the film promote people to the protection of endangered sea world, and introduce the part of the endangered Marine biology.
Director in unique Angle of view in addition to show the beauty of animals and natural beauty, more open a "narrative" narrative, he to the environmental protection question of thorough thinking let us much one minute to economic development and the environmental protection question of miss, look at the human activities on the influence of the Marine environment, bring you different struck the human heart of the sea ".
"The sea" take up to five years, the cost of 50 million euros, and use 12 crew, 70 ship in the world, 50 shooting, there are more than 100 species are shooting, more than 500 hours of the underwater world and Marine related material, is the largest investment in history documentary.

Jellyfish are marine invertebrates belonging to the Class Scyphozoa within the Phylum Cnidaria. They can be found in every ocean in the world. The use of the term "jellyfish" is actually a misnomer since scyphozoans are not fish, which are vertebrates. The term is also (incorrectly) commonly-applied to some close relatives of true scyphozoans, such as the Hydrozoa and the Cubozoa.

Anatomy and morphology
A typical scyphomedusa jellyfish.
A typical scyphomedusa jellyfish.

The body of an adult jellyfish consists of a bell shape producing jelly and enclosing its internal structure, from which tentacles are suspended. Each tentacle is covered with cells called cnidocytes, that can sting or kill other animals. Most jellyfish use these cells to secure prey or for defense. Others, such as Rhizostomae, do not have tentacles at all.

Jellyfish lack basic sensory organs and a brain, but their nervous systems and rhopalia allow them to perceive stimuli, such as light and odor, and respond quickly. They feed on small fish and zooplankton that become caught in their tentacles. Most jellyfish are passive drifters and slow swimmers, as their shape is not hydrodynamic. Instead, they move so as to create a current forcing the prey within reach of their tentacles. They do this by rhythmically opening and closing their bell-like body. Their digestive system is incomplete: the same orifice is used to take in food and expel waste.

The body of an adult is made up of 94–98% water, and the bell shape consists of a layer of epidermis, gastrodermis, and a thick layer called mesoglea that produces most of the jelly and separates the epidermis from the gastrodermis.

[edit] Defense

Most jellyfish have tentacles or oral arms coated with thousands of microscopic nematocysts; generally, each nematocyst has a "trigger" (cnidocil) paired with a capsule containing a coiled stinging filament, as well as barbs on the exterior. Upon contact, the filament rapidly unwinds, launches into the target, and injects toxins. It can then pull the victim into its mouth, if appropriate.

Although most jellyfish are not perniciously dangerous to humans, a few are highly toxic, such as Cyanea capillata. The recently discovered Carukia barnesi is also suspected of causing two deaths in Australia. Contrary to popular belief, the menacingly infamous Portuguese Man o' War (Physalia) is not a jellyfish, but a colony of hydrozoan polyps. Regardless of the actual toxicity of the stings, many victims find them very painful, and some individuals may have severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, similar to bee sting allergic reactions[1]

[edit] Body systems

A jellyfish detects the touch of other animals using a nervous system called a "nerve net", found in its epidermis. Touch stimuli are collected by nerve rings, through the rhopalial lappet located around the animal's body, to the nerve cells. Jellyfish also have ocelli that cannot form images but are sensitive to light; the jellyfish can use these to determine up from down, basing its judgement on sunlight shining on the surface of the water.

Jellyfish do not have a specialized digestive system, osmoregulatory system, central nervous system, respiratory system, or circulatory system. They digest using the gastrodermis that lines the gastrovascular cavity, where nutrients from their food are absorbed. They do not need a respiratory system since their skin is thin enough that oxygen diffuses into their bodies. They have limited control over their movement and mostly free-float, but can use a hydrostatic skeleton that controls the water pouch in their body to actuate vertical movement.

The outer side of jellyfish is lined with a jelly-like material called ectoplasm ("outer plasma"). It typically contains a smaller amount of protein granules and other organic compounds than inner cytoplasm, also referred to as endoplasm.

[edit] Ecology, behavior and life history

[edit] Behavior
Flower hat jelly.
Flower hat jelly.

Many species of jellyfish are also capable of congregating into large swarms or "blooms" consisting of hundreds or even thousands of individuals. The formation of these blooms is a complex process that depends on ocean currents, nutrients, temperature and oxygen content. Jellyfish sometimes mass breed during blooms. Jellyfish population is reportedly raising major ecological concerns for a possible jellyfish outbreak.

The frequency of these blooms may be attributed to humankind's impact on marine life, according to Claudia Mills of the University of Washington. She says that the breeding jellyfish may merely be taking the place of already overfished creatures. Jellyfish researcher Marsh Youngbluth further clarifies that "jellyfish feed on the same kinds of prey as adult and young fishes, so if fish are removed from the equation, jellyfish are likely to move in."

Increased nutrients in the water, ascribed to agricultural runoff, have also been cited as an antecedent to the recent proliferation of jellyfish numbers. Scientist Monty Graham says that "ecosystems in which there are high levels of nutrients ... provide nourishment for the small organisms on which jellyfish feed. In waters where there is eutrophication, low oxygen levels often result, favoring jellyfish as they thrive in less oxygen-rich water than fish can tolerate. The fact that jellyfish are increasing is a symptom of something happening in the ecosystem."

By sampling sea life in a heavily fished region off the coast of Namibia, researchers found that jellyfish have overtaken fish in terms of the biomass they contribute to this ocean region. The findings represent a careful quantitative analysis of what has been called a "jellyfish explosion" following intense fishing in the area in the last few decades. The findings were reported by Andrew Brierley of the University of St. Andrews and his colleagues in the July 12, 2006 issue of the journal Current Biology.

Areas seriously affected by jellyfish blooms include the northern Gulf of Mexico, Graham states, "Moon jellies have formed a kind of gelatinous net that stretches from end to end across the gulf," .[2] Jellyfish are commonly spotted along coastal shores.

[edit] Life history
The developmental stages of jellyfish.
The developmental stages of jellyfish.

Most jellyfish pass through two different body forms during their life cycle. The first is the polyp stage, when the jellyfish takes the form of either a sessile stalk which catches passing food, or a similar free-floating configuration. The polyp's mouth and tentacles face upwards.

In the second stage, the jellyfish is known as a medusa. Medusae have a radially symmetric, umbrella-shaped body called a bell. The medusa's tentacles hang from the border of the bell. (Medusa is also the Hebrew, Spanish and Italian word for jellyfish.)

Jellyfish are dioecious; that is, they are either male or female. In most cases, to reproduce, a male releases his sperm into the surrounding water. The sperm then swims into the mouth of the female, allowing the fertilization of the ova to begin. However, moon jellies use a different process: their eggs become lodged in pits on the oral arms, which form a temporary brood chamber to accommodate fertilization.

After fertilization and initial growth, a larval form, called the planula, develops from the egg. The planula larva is small and covered with cilia. It settles onto a firm surface and develops into a polyp. The polyp is cup-shaped with tentacles surrounding a single orifice, perhaps resembling a tiny sea anemone. Once the polyp begins reproducing asexually by budding, it is called a segmenting polyp, or a scyphistoma. New scyphistomae may be produced by budding or new, immature jellies called ephyra may be formed. Many jellyfish can bud off new medusae directly from the medusan stage.

Most jellyfish have a lifespan of two and a half months; few live longer than six months.

[edit] Etymology and taxonomic history

Since jellyfish are not fish, some people consider the term "jellyfish" a misnomer, and instead use the term "jellies" or "sea jellies". The word "jellyfish" is also often used to denote either Hydrozoa or the box jellyfish, Cubozoa. The class name Scyphozoa comes from the Greek word skyphos, denoting a kind of drinking cup and alluding to the cup shape of the organism.

A group of jellyfish is often called a "smuck".[3]

[edit] Importance to humans

[edit] Culinary uses

Jellyfish is an important food in the Chinese community and many Asian countries.[1] Only jellyfish belonging to the Order Rhizostomeae are harvested for food. The rhizostomes (Rhopilema esculentum, Chinese name: 海蜇) are favoured because they are typically larger and have more rigid bodies than other scyphozoan orders. Traditional processing methods involve a multi-phase processing procedure using a mixture of table salt and alum, and then desalting.[1] Processing makes the jellyfish drier and more acidic, producing a "crunchy and crispy texture."[1] Nutritionally, jellyfish prepared this way are roughly 95% water and 4-5% protein, making it a relatively low calorie food.[1]

[edit] In biotechnology

In 1961, Green Fluorescent Protein was discovered in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria by scientists studying bioluminescence. This protein has since become one of the most useful tools in biology.[2]

[edit] In captivity
A group of Sea Nettle jellyfish in an aquarium.
A group of Sea Nettle jellyfish in an aquarium.

Jellyfish are commonly displayed in aquariums in many countries; among the more known are the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, Vancouver Aquarium, Seattle Aquarium, and Maui Ocean Center. Often the tank's background is blue with the animals illuminated by side lighting to produce a high contrast effect. In natural conditions, many of the jellies are so transparent that they can be almost impossible to see.

Holding jellies in captivity also presents other problems: for one, they are not adapted to closed spaces or areas with walls, which aquariums by definition have. They also depend on the natural currents of the ocean to transport them from place to place. To compensate for this, professional exhibits feature precise water flow patterns, typically in circular tanks to prevent specimens from becoming trapped in corners. The Monterey Bay Aquarium uses a modified version of the kreisel (German for "spinning top") for this purpose.

[edit] Toxicity to humans

When stung by a jellyfish, first aid may be in order. Though most jellyfish stings are not deadly, some stings, such as those perpetrated by the box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) may be fatal. Serious stings may cause anaphylaxis and eventual death, and hence people stung by jellyfish must get out of the water to avoid drowning. In these serious cases, advanced professional care must be sought. This care may include administration of an antivenom and other supportive care such as required to treat the symptoms of anaphylactic shock. The most serious threat that humans face from jellyfish is the sting of the Irukandji, which has the most potent and deadly venom of any known jellyfish species.

There are three goals of first aid for uncomplicated jellyfish stings: prevent injury to rescuers, inactivate the nematocysts, and remove any tentacles stuck on the patient. To prevent injury to rescuers, barrier clothing should be worn. This protection may include anything from panty hose to wet suits to full-body sting-proof suits. Inactivating the nematocysts, or stinging cells, prevents further injection of venom into the patient.

Vinegar (3 to 10% acetic acid in water) should be applied for box jellyfish stings.[3][4] However, vinegar is not recommended for Portuguese Man o' War stings.[3] In the case of stings on or around the eyes, vinegar may be placed on a towel and dabbed around the eyes, but not in them. Salt water may also be used in case vinegar is not readily available.[3][5] Fresh water should not be used if the sting occurred in salt water, as a change in pH can cause the release of additional venom. Rubbing the wound, or using alcohol, spirits, ammonia, or urine will encourage the release of venom and should be avoided.[6]

Once deactivated, the stinging cells must be removed. This can be accomplished by picking off tentacles left on the body.[6] First aid providers should be careful to use gloves or another readily available barrier device to prevent personal injury, and to follow standard universal precautions. After large pieces of the jellyfish are removed, shaving cream may be applied to the area and a knife edge, safety razor, or credit card may be used to take away any remaining nematocysts.[7]

Beyond initial first aid, antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may be used to control skin irritation (pruritus).[7] To remove the venom in the skin, apply a paste of baking soda and water and apply a cloth covering on the sting. If possible, reapply paste every 15-20 minutes. Ice can be applied to stop the spread of venom until either of these is available.

For at least some jellyfish, it seems to be safe to touch their tentacles with the palm of the hand.

[edit] In entertainment

Anthropomorphized jellyfish are characters in several popular video games, such as Pokémon's Tentacool, and in TV and film animation, such as SpongeBob SquarePants and Shark Tale. Like many other aquatic life forms, both real and anthropomorphized jellyfish have been represented in countless other aquatic-themed entertainment as well.

珊瑚coral、海胆sea urchin、虾shrimp、水母jellyfish、海马sea horse、乌贼cuttlefish、
海豚dolphin、鲨鱼shark、龟turtle、寄居蟹hermit crab、水獭otter、
海狗fur seal、海象walrus、海豹seal、海葵sea anemone、海绵sponge、蟹crab、
管口鱼trumpetfish、小丑鱼clownfish、海狮sea lion、金鳞鱼squirrel fish、
蝶鱼butterfly fish、比目鱼flounder、刺河魨porcupine fish、海蛇sea snake、
鱿鱼squid、河狸beaver、鸭嘴兽platypus、海参sea cucumber、三文鱼salmon

中文名称 英文名称 木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish 岩石峭壁 rocky cliff


~ Sea Snakes ~

NAME: Sea snake is the common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes.

HABITAT: Sea snakes inhabit tropical waters from the Indian ocean to the Pacific ocean. Sea snakes are particularly abundant in the Persian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal.

SIZE: Most sea snakes are not large, ranging from about 1.6 to 3.3 feet in length, although Stokes's sea snake can reach nearly 6 and a half feet.

REPRODUCTION: One group of sea snakes, sometimes called the true sea snakes, give birth to live young and lack the enlarged ventral scales typical of most terrestrial snakes. The other group, sometimes referred to as seakraits, lay eggs; because they must leave the water to deposit their eggs, they retain straplike ventral scales, although these may be smaller than those of terrestrial snakes.

SWIMMING: The paddlelike tail of sea snakes is wide and compressed and makes an effective swimming organ.

BREATHING: Unlike eels, sea snakes have no gills and must rise to the surface of the water for air, but they can remain underwater for several hours, obtaining dissolved oxygen from water that they swallow and eject.

FEEDING: Many species feed on elongate fishes, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom.

BEHAVIOR: Sea snakes are generally not aggressive and usually will not bite humans unless handled roughly or forcibly restrained.

VENOM: Sea snakes are highly venomous, and bites, though rare, are fatal.

COMMON SPECIES: The yellow-bellied sea snake, one of the most common sea snakes, ranges along the Pacific coast from southern California to northern South America. It is less than 3 and a quarter feet long and is black or dark brown with a bright yellow belly.

SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Sea snakes are usually classified in two subfamilies, the Hydrophiinae and the Laticaudinae, both in the family Elapidae. Some taxonomists classify them instead in two families, the Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae, separate from the family Elapidae. Stokes's sea snake is classified as Astrotia stokesii. The yellow-bellied sea snake is classified as Pelamus platurus.