
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-25

China is the largest producer of bee, bee keeping, production of bee products and bee product export volume ranking first in the world. However, for many years China has bee industry has been in a very chaotic situation, lack of standards. Uneven quality, brand advantage of the lack of long-term issues such as difficult to solve. In order to change the status quo business, achieving the desired objectives through scientific methods and innovative thinking, creative design and analysis of the development of marketing programs. Here we focused on the company's business, structure, marketing system problems, marketing environment, industry, business advantages and disadvantages, the strategic choice of competitive strategy and marketing mix Study. For business problems with comprehensive use of market competition strategy of choice, the choice of target markets, product positioning, and other methods proposed solutions.

Abstract  as early as 2001, China's third party logistics market scale has reached 40000000000 yuan. In the past few years, the third party logistics this market grows quickly, the third party logistics providers in the vast majority of the survey of more than 30%. in the past three years the average annual growth
The third party logistics provider, the income of 85% comes from the comparison of basic services, such as transportation and warehousing management. So that China's logistics outsourcing is still in the early stages of development, third of the 70% party logistics providers also believe that the customer is not ready to outsource their logistics service.
Third party logistics customer also presents them in outsourcing logistics circumspect reason. In addition to the existing internal logistics capacity, lack of high level of service and qualified third party logistics providers are the main obstacles in the outsourcing logistics. Therefore, before providing high profit value-added services, third party logistics providers must fully display their basic business operation ability. To avoid the low profit in the initial stage of the operation of excessive investment is a huge challenge for the third party logistics provider.
Key word
The third party logistics, reduce the logistics cost, the demand for logistics outsourcing, logistics service providers


Hello, we have booked your hotel room, there are two requirements, also want to be able to meet. First, we are two pairs of honeymoon couples, hoping of a similar arrangement in two rooms. Second is the need to pick up service, flights to fly 20:15 Bangkok Koh Samui flights. Thank you!

First, we are two couples of honeymoons, wish to have two rooms nearby.
Second, we will need a pick-up service at the airport, my scheduled flight is from Bangkok to Koh Samui, takes off at 10:15, thank you.

Hello, we have a reservation of your hotel room, there are two requirements, also hope to be able to meet. 第一句(标题)

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