
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12

Chief designer
Engaged with the art related categories of crossover design for nearly twenty years, in interior design, original furniture and home furnishing products design, device design and other fields has a broad influence, its design work was widely published in the media at home and abroad; in the advertising design with many years experience, customers continue to provide unique creative services.

First you put in the pot with proper amount of oil and wait until the oil boils.Then you put the eggs into the pot and fry it for a while,turn it over when necessary.Keep on frying the eggs for serveral times and leaves it out of the pot when both suifaces of the eggs become golden.


First puts in the suitable oil in the pot, and so on oils boil, will beat open the egg puts in the pot, explodes the half of the day slightly, turns a surface, continues to explode. Such relapse, when the egg two deliver in person is golden yellow, then leaves the pot.


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