牛津英语8BUnit6词组 帮忙整理一下 要中英对照 100个 辛苦了 有悬赏

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牛津英语8b Unit6 课文reading部分原文

I didn't find it interesting,
I didn't find it interesting,
So i left the house-i went miles and miles-
AndI didn't find it interesting,
I didn't find it interesting,
I didn't find it interesting,
So i left the house-i went miles and miles-
AndI didn't find it interesting,
I didn't find it interesting,
There wasn't much on
That night,
So i sat in a chair and i went to sleep,
And dull old day
All right.

If you like to keep lively
If you hate being bored
Just come down to our house,
And knock on the door

It's the noisiest house,
In the whole of our town:
There's doors always slamming,
And things falling down.

There's my dad who keeps shouting,
And my mom who breaks things
The baby, who'll bite you
And our dog running rings.

There's my sister the screamer,
And my brother who roars,
And a grandpa who's stone deaf
He's the one who slams doors.

So come down to our house,
You don't need the address
You'll hear it ten miles away,
And the outsides' a mess.

You won't mind the racket,
You'll just love the din,
For there's never a dull moment,
In the house we live in.

1.nature 名词 大自然
2natural 形容词大自然的自然的
3disaster 名词灾难;祸患
4natural disasters 自然灾害
5mop动词 用拖把拖洗
6mop all the water up用拖把把水拖掉
7 earthquake 名词 地震
8 accident 名词 事故,意外的事
9 a car accident 车祸
10 traffic accident 交通事故
11 crash 动词 猛撞;撞毁
12 crash into a tree 撞上一棵树
13 wash 动词 冲洗
14 wash away 冲走
15 move away 移走,拿开
16 take away 拿走
17 run away 逃跑
18 village 名词 村庄
19 storm 名词 风暴
20 rainstorm 名词 暴雨
21 snowstorm 名词 暴风雪
22 sandstorm 名词 沙尘暴
23 thunder 名词 雷,雷声
24 lightning 名词 闪电
25 thunder and lightning 雷声和闪电
26 typhoon 名词 台风
27 slight 形容词 轻微的
28 shaking 名词 震动
29 feel a slight shaking 感到轻微的震动
30 fear 名词 害怕,恐惧
31 in fear 惊恐地
32 look at each other in fear 惊恐地相互看着对方
33 scream 名词 惊叫,惊呼
34 bomb 名词 炸弹
35 shake 动词 摇动,震动
36 shake one’s head 摇头
37 shake hands 握手
38 diretion 名词 方向
39 run in all directions 向四处奔跑
40 wildly 副词 失去控制地
41 brick 名词 砖
42 calm 形容词 平静,镇静
43 calm down 冷静下来
44 keep calm 保持镇静
45 be trapped 陷入困境
46 moment 名词 片刻,瞬间
47 a moment of fear 一阵恐惧
48 a moment ago 一会儿以前
49 a moment later 一会儿之后
50 half an hour later 半小时后
51 mind 名词 头脑;想法
52 go through my mind 在头脑中闪过
53 since 连词 由于,既然
54 alive 形容词 活着的
55 stay alive 保持活着
56 somebody 代词 某人,有人
57 hurry 急忙,匆忙
58 in a ( great ) hurry 匆忙地
59 daylight 名词 白昼
60 in the daylight =in the day 在白天
61 loudly 副词 大声地
62 speak loudly 大声地说

Unit 6
1.再一些 some more
2.最大的筹款活动 one of the biggest fund-raising events
many other parts of Asia
4.一次艰难的远足 a tough hike
5.在48小时之内 within 48 hours
6.一次极好的机会 an excellent chance
7.学习团队精神 learn team spirit
8.互相支持 support each other
9.至少 at least
keep …comfortable
try one’s best to do
support development projects
13.为什么不做某事? why not do sth?
14.参加 take part in
15. 以…出名 be known as
16. 完成某事 finish doing
17.保持健康 keep fit
18.看不起某人 look down on
19.发生 take place
20.后援小组 a support team
21.在某些方面 in some ways
22.在去…途中 on the way to
hear sb do/doing sth
24.捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek
25.注意 pay attention to
it’s + adj + (for sb.) to do
27.在湖边 by the lake
28.迷路 get lost
29.记得做某事 remember to do sth.
30. 向…学习 learn from
31.更多的信息 further information
32.虽然,尽管 even though
8A Unit 6词组、句型及语法复习提纲
序号 Chinese English
1 自然灾害 natural disasters
2 全身湿透 be/get all wet
3 将…拖干净(代词放中间) mop…up
4 将…冲走(代词放中间) wash…away
5 输掉比赛 lose the game
6 好几千人(成千上万的人) thousands of people
7 猛烈地撞到…上 crash into…
8 引起一场大的火灾 start/cause a big fire
9 惊恐地(处于恐惧之中) in fear
10 地下的炸弹 bombs below/under the ground
11 从….上掉下来/摔下来 fall off = fall (down) from =drop from
倒下、掉下 fall down
跌倒、绊倒 fall over
倒下 come down = fall
12 朝四面八方跑去 run in all directions=run in every direction
13 跑出…../跑进…. run out of … / run into…
14 尽某人最大努力做某事 try one’s best to do sth.
15 镇定下来、平静下来 calm down
16 最后 finally = at last = in the end
17 结束 be over = end
18 被困住 be trapped
19 自言自语 say to oneself
20 片刻的恐惧 a moment of fear
21 (大声)求救 shout/call/scream for help
22 到处 everywhere = here and there
23 没有任何吃的东西 have nothing to eat
24 兴奋的叫声 excited shouts
25 急匆匆地去干某事 be in a (great) hurry to do sth.
26 降一点点 drop a little
降到零下5度 drop to -5℃
27 大约7度 (be) around 7℃
28 变得更坏 become/get worse
29 找借口 make excuses / make an excuse
30 叫某人(不要)做某事 tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth.
建议某人(不要)做某事 advise sb. (not) to do sth.
警告某人(不要)做某事 warn sb. (not) to do sth.
命令某人(不要)做某事 order sb. (not) to do sth.
31 把….搬走(代词放中间) move …away
32 精神紧张 be nervous
33 经历地震后而存活下来 survive the earthquake
34 听起来像… sound like….
天气预报 weather forecast
36 锁门 lock the door
37 跑下楼 run down the stairs
38 将(电器)打开/关闭 turn …on/off
将(电器音量)调高/调低 turn …up/down
39 走出教室 walk out of the classroom
40 一个接一个 one by one = one after another
41 一个事故报告 an accident report
42 打电话给110热线 call the 110 hotline
43 到达时间 the time of arrival
44 (严重)受伤(系表结构) be (badly/seriously) hurt
45 着火 catch fire = be on fire
46 警方(集体名词) the police
47 在风中 in the wind
48 除了做某事外不能做任何事 do nothing but do sth. (前面do不以是别的动词,后面do可以是任何动词,但必须是原形)
49 朝….外看/朝….里看 look out of…. / look into…
50 继续做(同一件)事 continue to do sth. = continue doing sth.
=go on doing sth. = go on with sth.
51 用….将….盖起来 cover…with…..
….被…..覆盖起来 …..be covered with …
1.My house is all wet.
★2.Who’s going to mop it up if you don’t come with me?
3.A young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs.
★4.A coach crashed into a tree last night.
★5.At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body.
★6.People looked at each other in fear.
★7.People ran in all directions. They didn’t know where to go.
8.Some people ran out of the shopping centre. I tried my best to run out to the street, too.
★9.People ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks fell down. Then the walls began to come down too.
★10.I did not even know where I was(宾从).
11. “I’m trapped,” I said to myself.
★12.A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.
★★13.People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.
★14.He survived the earthquake in 1999.
15.It sounded like bombs under the ground.
★★16.It rained heavily last night.= There was a heavy rain last night.
It will be snowy tomorrow. = It will snow tomorrow.= There will be snow tomorrow.
17.It took me longer to get to school.
★18.Everybody had to hurry since there would be no buses in two hours.
★★19.Mr Wu told us to go home. / Mr Wu asked Simon to close the windows.
Simon advised Daniel to wear a raincoat./ Mr Wu warned us not to run.
He told us to walk out of the classroom one by one. / Mr Wu ordered Simon to close the windows.
★20.The snow covers the whole place. = The whole place is covered with the snow.
★21.A man named Su Ning called the 110 hotline at 7:40p.m. using his mobile phone.
★22.Mr Su felt cold and frightened but he was not hurt.
23.I know that bad weather can be dangerous.
Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters.
24.There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.
★25.Her school caught fire because lightning hit it.
26.Snow continued to fall around us.
★27.We lost our umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over.
★★28.We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm.
29.I looked out of the window and saw that people were in a hurry to remove the snow.
1.because, as , since 引导原因状语从句。
2.用动词不定式来报告某人的命令、请求和建议。warn/tell/ask/order/advise sb. (not) to do sth.