
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07

A:放手吧,看来我也就只能到这里了----leave me. i have to stay here.
B:队长,拉紧,我们这就把你拉上来Catch hold,Captain. we will pull you up.
C:坚持住,没有你我们是不能到达目的地的 hold on. without you,we can't reach our destination.

B:真希望天堂不会这么how i wish it weren't so cold!
A:坚持下去,吗啡,给我吗啡 come on. morphine, morphine,please
C:不要忘了,我们说好了要一起登顶的--remember it is our promise to be at the top together

C:如果可以,我想喝一杯热热的牛奶 if i may,i would like a cup of hot milk
A:回去我天天煮给你喝 BACK home i will make you one every day.
B:你的终点绝不是这里 here it is not your destination.

You need to be responsible for your own work. Your working attitude is affecting everyone. You are not working for yourself only; the quality of your work affect others' too. You need to learn to understand and cooperate with the rest.


1. You will always forgive me no matter what mistake I have made.
2. You burn yourself and light up the path for me.
3. Even if sometimes I hurt you, you just stand it with no complaints.
4. You hope I can achieve success, but you never ask for sharing the achievement with me.


1、无论我做错了什么,你都会原谅我----- (AT that time)whatever wrong I did, you would forgive me .
2、你燃烧自己,为我照亮道路----- You lit the way for me by burning yourself.
3、即使有时我伤害了你,你也会默默地承受----- Sometimes, even when / if I did hurt you, you would endure in silence.
4、你希望我成功,但不要求我与你分享成功You wished me success, but never did you ask to share my success with you.


1.You will forgive me whatever I've done wrong.
2.You burn yourself to illuminate my way.
3.Even if I hurt you sometimes, you undertake everything yourself without complaints.
4.You expect me to earn success however not to share it.

1No matter what I did wrong , you will forgive me
2You burn yourself, for I light up the road of mine
3Even though I hurt you sometimes, you will bear it silently
4You hope me to be successful, but don't ask me to share the success with you

No matter what I'm doing wrong, you will forgive me

You burn yourself, to light the way for me

Even though sometimes I hurt you, you will suffer in silence

You want me to succeed, but do not ask me to share with you the success

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