把这个翻译成英文,拜托了 或者帮忙写一篇工作是为了生活还是生活为了工作的演讲稿,三分钟左右。ps:不要翻

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12

Today, I stand here the speech, not because I got very good, and it's not because I'm a respect is very good. However, I with a ChaDengSheng, an ordinary high school students tell you, study well, achievement doesn't mean anything, it's just may improve your future life. We live in this world, need is ability, need to learn ability! Have a heart of perseverance. As long as we have goals, no matter size goal, the goal of march toward us, through hard work, we will be successful. We want to believe in, any an ordinary people have succeed one day. thank you

还OK吧 =V=

I do not want to miss you ¬
我只是在早上醒来的时候,看看手机,有没有你发来的信息,有没有你的未接来电。 I just woke in the morning, take a look at mobile phones, have you sent the message that you have no missed calls. ¬ 我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬ ¬
我只是在上网的时候,首先关注你的空间,看看你最近是不是有更新。 I was just surfing the Internet, the first concern of your room, see if you have not updated recently. ¬ ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是在聊天的时候,翻阅你发给我的短信,看着你的照片,回忆一下那些美好时光¬ 我没有很想你¬ I just talk, and read text messages you sent me, look at your photos, recall the good times that I do not want you ¬ ¬
我只是饿了会想你饿么,冷了想你会冷么¬ I'm just hungry, will think you hungry What, cold cold What you want to ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是走在大街上看到男男女女,好希望那一对对里有我们¬ I was just walking down the street to see men and women, well there we hope that pairs ¬
我没有很想你¬ I did not miss you ¬
我只是把你的来电调成唯一的铃音,放在我身边,并时不时的看看是否自动关机,是否信号良好¬ I just put your phone into a unique ring tone, on my side, and occasionally to see if automatic shutdown, it signals a good ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是在吃小吃的时候,想如果你能和我一起吃,那该是多幸福的事啊¬ I only eat snacks at the time, like if you eat with me, that is more than happy to do that ah ¬
我没有很想你¬ I did not miss you ¬
我只是在听歌的时候,偶尔会被某句歌词击中,脑中出现短暂的空白¬ I only listen to songs when the lyrics occasionally hit by a sentence, the brain momentarily blank ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是想看看你的样子,听听你的声音¬ I want to see you look like, listen to your voice ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是在别人无意提起你的时候,愣在那里,不知答话¬ I just do not intend to bring in the others you, stunned, where I do not know answer ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是在睡前紧握着手机,等待着你的情话,等待着你说晚安¬ I just clenched mobile phone before going to bed, waiting for your love, then waiting for you say good night ¬
我没有很想你¬ I did not miss you ¬
我只是睡不着的时候想想你,但是,我不知道我是因为睡不着而想你,还是因为想你而睡不着¬ I just can not sleep when you think about, however, I do not know because I could not sleep and miss you, miss you and can not sleep or because ¬
我没有很想你¬ I do not want you ¬
我只是在每次醒来的时候,第一个想到你…… ¬ I just woke up in time, the first thought of you ... ... ¬
或许想念只属于某一个人,如果两个人都在想念彼此,那一定是一对幸福的恋人。 May miss a person belongs, if two people are missing each other, it must be a pair of happy lovers.
其实我真的好想你,但是你这个笨蛋永远都不会理解我。 In fact, I really miss you, but you will never understand this fool me.

The work is because life needs, life is not only to a single aspect of the work exist, there are more rich and colorful things waiting for us to dig, to find

When we put the life just as for a single job exists, have already lost half the pleasure of life

Work to live,

The purpose of the work

So that we can better survive in society, if we even the most basic meals are not guaranteed, but also to talk about the other?

Work is a learning and accumulation of life experience approach.

The meaning of life is life, only work for a better life, but life is not only limited to work. Significance of our work lies in the play as well as we can, so that we get a sense of achievement, that satisfy human 's maximum demand, so that our joy, better life. While money, honour but we concentrated on the work of adjuncts.

For a man, work is each people in society to achieve their social division of labor in specific ways, through the work we can better improve the social relations between, and the nature of life is to contact you want to come into contact with the people, and through these interpersonal relations generated by the power of society to help you develop your potential, for the community to create greater value. Person always through learning and then enters the work. Because the work is the best embodiment of people 's social practice activity.

Because life normally must be in the normal operation can achieve, and the normal operation of society must be in everyone involved in the social division of labor to realize, and people can participate in the work depends on whether it can adapt to the needs of the society. So we are working, is essential to survival, essence is to better live! Life, life, live.

Job is nesserary in our life.life isn't just exist for special aspect.there still some colorful things waiting us to find out.
when we regard life as a condition exist in job,we have already lose half of the fun in the entire life.
work is for live,but the attitude is towards live a in better quality of life in society,what can we talk about if we couldn't resolve our meals.
job is a method to study and accumulate ways of how to do in personal relationships.
the meaning of living is life,.we are working for a bette life.working can show our talent,make we feel a sense of achievement,please ourselves, and a beeter life.Money,fame just come along with it .
As for individual,a job is a specific way someone achieve oneself's .we can improve the relationship in society through working.the aim of living is for connectting others you want,and you can bring your portential into play by good interpersonal relationships power.man is work after study,because work can reflect practice activities.
because of the natural society can we live normally.only everyone's work is resolved can the society goes well as usual.and if we can fit for the need of the society we can find a job satisfying.we work for living ,but practially,is to live on better and better.
we come to the world is to enjoy life.our own life.
